Monday, July 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day July 15 #GardenBloggersBloom Day

If you are looking for my Music Moves Me post, please click here.  This one is going to be all flowers, and I hope you'll stick around for that.

What a summer it has been so far in the United States.

In my Southern Tier of New York zone 6a garden, like in so much of the United States, it's been hot (for us!) and humid.  We've also gotten enough rain (not too much - not yet, anyway)and the plants are responding, especially the heat loving ones.

This is the time of year that there is such an abundance of blooms that I can't begin to show them all. But let's start with the day lilies.  These don't have names because I am so bad at record keeping.  So let's just go with color.

Sherbet and dark pink, or light red.  You can decide.
Our tallest daylily.

These are just about done.  This is the only spider daylily I have.  It came from a nursery (Lambertson's, in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania) that was going to cease business two years ago, but they keep reopening.  This was an unnamed variety.

The husband part of the husband and wife owners is in his 80's and perhaps they can't let go.  Or they just had so much to sell that they decided to reopen.Not sure I will make it down to Pennsylvania to admire their fields this year as their open times are limited. 

Reddish. can't get close because the garden has become too lush - or is it that it's reached its "let's cram everything daylily I can find" limit?

This yellow has my largest flower.  Same problem as above.

Red with a hint of yellow in the throat.
On the side, orange with yellow striping.  Another from the Lambertsons.

Finally, one more from Lambertsons.  This is one of my favorites.

I could go on for the longest post in history, but since I don't want to have nothing but daylilies, I need to end the day lilies here so I can fit some more flowers in.

A culvitated purple leafed loosestrife.  I would love this except it's very aggressive.  We have to keep ripping it out each spring but the people we bought it from (Cornell Cooperative) warned us.  They were right.

Globe amaranth is loving it.
Ditto lantana, shown here with some geraniums from the next pot.  Yes, the one on the left, yellow flowers, is variegated.


Red ganzania, also loving the heat.

That's it!  

Thank you, if you've stuck around this long to view my flowers.

Thanks go once again to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her 15th of the month meme Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, where you can visit flowers from all over the world.  And a happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day to all.


  1. ...always stop to enjoy the flowers.

  2. Your daylilies are all so beautiful. Nice to show them by color. I don't know the names of all of my daylilies either.

  3. Everywhere I go at the moment, I see daylilies - lovely. I love the hosta and the gazania.

  4. Lovely blooms, so many colors and combinations, gorgeous! You're so lucky to be getting good rains--Happy Bloom Day!

  5. I think you must have a most beautiful garden!

  6. Oh, such beautiful Daylilies! And your other bloomers look happy, too. Happy GBBD!

  7. I wouldn't mind if you keep to nothing but the daylilies! I do like those red gazanias though. My favorite of today's daylilies are the ones you call reddish, above the yellow.

  8. Wow, that's a lot of daylilies.

  9. Wonderful display of all flowers

  10. My personal opinion is that you can't have too many daylilies!

  11. Beautiful blooms!
    Love the Lilies!

  12. You have a lovely collection of daylilies most of mine have already headed for the exit!


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