Sunday, July 14, 2024

Let's Get Outdoors! #MusicMovesMe #ShadowshotSunday

It's Sunday, and it's time for music!

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? Well, we are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be labeled "No Music".  Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week, we have a theme.  On alternate weeks, we can blog on any music theme we want. This week our theme is "songs that make you think of sports or other outdoor activities". 

But before I begin, I need to announce that I will not be linking  to Music Moves Me on Monday, July 22, but hope to be back on Monday, July 29.  

Today, I'm also (next paragraph) going to link with Shadowshot Sunday, brought to us by Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures.  My pictures, of course, will have a shadow.  I will not be posting for Shadow Shot Sunday the next two Sundays.

First, flowers and shadows.

Striped ganzania, a preview of my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post which will post Monday.  I hope you'll join me again then.

Lavender petunia.

And now, it's time for music!

Let's start off with what has been called the Great American pastime - baseball.

From 1985, a classic baseball song - Centerfield.

One more baseball song - Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly, from 1948, with Take Me Out to the Ball Game from the movie of the same name. And yes, that is Frank Sinatra dancing alongside Kelly.  

I didn't know Frank Sinatra could dance but it turns out he did dance in several movies.  Gene Kelly was a good teacher, wasn't he!

Let's have fun in the park now, shall we?  Here's a couple of songs about parks.

From 1972, Chicago and Saturday in the Park.   

In 1968, Richard Harris released a song called MacArthur Park.  I loved it so much that I bought the single (and probably wore it out), but Donna Summer's 1978 cover is what really made me fall in love with it.

Stoned Soul Picnic, from 1968.   This is one of several Laura Nyro songs recorded or covered by the Fifth Dimension, and it's the version I picked.  I've wondered about the meaning of the song, but Laura Nyro never explained exactly what "surry" meant in this song.

Many people enjoy going to amusement parks and, to honor that, here's Freddie Cannon's 1962 hit Palisades Park.

Palisades Park was a real place.  If you are interested in knowing more, please enjoy this short history of this New Jersey park which has snippets of the theme song I would hear on the New York City radio in my childhood.  I visited it a couple of times and remember their large salt water pool.  That pool dated from 1912 and was said to be the largest salt water pool in the United States.  Alas, Palisades Park no longer exits although there is a historical marker on the site.  High rise apartment buildings replaced it.  In a way, it was a victim of its success, as you'll hear about in the video above.

We have time for one more - the beach and water.  How could I not include a song from the Beach Boys?  Here's Sloop John B, which is a cover of a song originating in the Bahamas in the early 20th century.

And that's a wrap!

Tomorrow, I hope you will join me for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  I will next be posting for Music Moves Me on Monday, July 29.  

Have fun without me!


  1. The Palisades looked like a place to have fun. Amusement parks come and go and become ever more sophisticated.

  2. ...I discovered gazania last year, they are a delight. I remember Freddie Cannon's Palisades Park, what a neat summer tune.

  3. Pretty blooms! We'll miss your shadows while you're away!

  4. Palisades Park is legendary. I never got a chance to visit but I’ve heard all about it.

  5. Pretty flowers. I hope you enjoy your time away from the blog.

  6. Lovely flowers and great music... getting out into the garden or further afield always lifts the spirits 💜💜

  7. The flowers are gorgeous! My mind is taken back to summer days being outdoors to watch either little league or the older boys play baseball. There was a small admission price to see the game. I loved buying a hot dog when I could or other snacks on those hot sunny afternoons. Watching Sinatra and Kelly perform together put a smile on my face. What fun! I loved the direction of your music using 'park' as part of your theme!! Excellent job and fabulous song picks. "Saturday in the Park" especially took me back to the 70s. Donna Summer's "MacArthur Park" was a favorite, too. Oh I remember those traveling amusements parks. One always set up in our area. My folks tried to take us as often as they could. I remember going with my best friend a time or two and DH took me once in our dating years. I still have the toy stuffed koala bear that he won for me. :D Enjoy your time away and have a boogietastic week, Alana! xo

  8. Beautiful pictures and great songs.

  9. Nice garden shadows and some classic songs!!

  10. Those Striped ganzanias! I need them in my life. And Saturday in the Park... I have my ear bug for the week. Thanks!

  11. Pretty flowers. I think blog hops are so fun! I'll have to remember you a music themed one.

  12. I loved that movie Take Me Out To the Ballgame (I know all the songs in it.) I spent a lot of my youth watching Gene Kelly movies over and over...#MondayMusicMovesMe

  13. You have some real classics here. Seeing Gene Kelly in "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, by him: "I never wanted to be a dancer, I wanted to play shortstop for the Pittsburgh Pirates." I'll bet he would have been a good one, too.


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