Thursday, August 8, 2024

New York State in The New Severe Weather Zone?

We've had an interesting summer here in New York State.  Tornadoes, up to now, have been rare, but they are becoming more common.  When I lived in the tornado belt back in the 1970's and 1980's (Texas, Kansas, Arkansas) I was fortunate enough not to witness one but I came pretty close, close enough that tornado sirens sounded around 3 or 4am and we hid in a bathtub.  I also knew at least two people who had survived a tornado when I lived in Kansas.


Monday, we had a severe thunderstorm with many trees down, especially, it would seem, in the Town of Vestal. Other parts of New York State were not so fortunate, as a tornado was confirmed in downtown Buffalo, New York.  You can see a funnel at about 1:39 in this video.  Not sure if that funnel was the confirmed tornado.

It's not just this year - there was a confirmed EF-0 tornado in our county on August 5, 2023, exactly one year before.

I took these pictures yesterday along the Vestal Rail Trail, where we exercise walk a couple of times a week.  My spouse exercised there yesterday, while I was working, and saw a tree lying on top of a bench.  He didn't take a picture but that could have ended tragically for someone if anyone was caught on the trail when the storm started.

In various spots, there was evidence of  straight line winds flattening plants along one side of the trail.

There are some dead trees along the trail, but I don't think this stand is one of them.  I think leaves were stripped off this set of trees.  It's hard to tell but there was another tree (I was near people at the time so I couldn't stop and take that picture) that definitely seemed stripped.  Again, I'm thinking straight line winds - no sign of twisting.

Hard to see, but there was a tree down in a backyard along the trail.  I took this picture through brush of more storm damage on the same side of the trail as the tree above.

Meanwhile, a rabbit seems unconcerned.

I truly don't understand how anyone can still consider climate change as a myth. I know that people I've spoken to, such as a tree service man and farmers, all agree something is happening and it isn't good.

These aren't the tornadoes those living where I lived years ago have experienced but perhaps it's only a matter of time.


  1. There are always naysayers and much trouble they can cause. What will the world be like in 100 years' time?

  2. Cute bunny!

    But yeah, it seems like …climate change is real! (Well, duh …)

  3. With so much more natural could someone say the climate change ain't real?

  4. My summers have been miserable for a few years now. A friend told me this morning she wished she'd never moved here. Right now the temperature isn't bad, but the air quality is!

  5. It is always sad to see dead trees

  6. Here in southern Ontario we are experiencing a huge increase in tornados, so much so that we are hardly surprised when a warning is issued. Summers are longer and hotter, and biodiversity is diminishing. Yet still people deny climate change and often our “leaders” are anything but. We have dug our own hole and we keep digging it deeper.

  7. Yikes, scary stuff. I've heard that some of the things put in place to help with climate change are going well. Renewable sources for generating electricity are gaining ground. (I'm choosing to focus on what's going right as otherwise I just feel so powerless about what's going on.)


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