Thursday, May 10, 2018

Lesson of the Bradford Pear #ThursdayTreeLove

Four views of the same Bradford Pears, near where I live in the Binghamton, New York area.

April 19.

May 3.

May 8.

Yesterday,  almost the same view as the first photo.

And now, the leaves will grow, and these flowers will be gone in another day or two.  But the Bradford Pears have been so beautiful this year.

The humble Bradford Pears  (which are also invasive, and unwelcome in certain areas of our country) remind us of how fleeting time is, and how we must grab the moment and enjoy it when it comes.

Come link with  Parul of Happiness and Food and other bloggers for the twice a month #ThursdayTreeLove.


  1. Hi Alana,
    Beautiful pictures of the Bradford Pear trees! I love the flowers and love what you said about them: they're so fleeting and we indeed have to take time to enjoy them for the short time they're here.
    I had a Bradford Pear tree that died several years ago and I miss it!

    Heading over to your Monday's Music Moves Me post next. See you over there...

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I'll be visiting one of these days, too, Michele!

  2. I always thought they were such a pretty tree. They are no longer sold in the nurseries around here.

  3. It's too bad they have many faults (I didn't even mention the smell of the flowers) because, when they have a good year, they are gorgeous.

  4. Lovely capture:) have never seen bradford pear trees, thanks for the reminder to learn to live in the here and now.

  5. Proof that Spring sprang late this year

  6. Beautiful!

    The harshness of this winter makes the blooming that much more wonderful.

    Can't believe you had snow again. Hope it was short and went away fast!

  7. Thanks for sharing this journey. I love watching the progression.

  8. What a beautiful tree! The trees are flowering here, in Western New York, too!

  9. Wow! You have captured the annual life cycle of the tree! It has survived in extreme weather and blossomed beautifully! I have heard that the flowers of the Bradford Pear have an unpleasant smell. Is that true?

    1. Yes, Archana, it is true. And with the banner year we had, well, it was quite noticeable. Too bad!

  10. Love how beautifully you have shown the differences in the same tree. Thank you for joining with such a beautiful entry.

  11. Lovely idea, Alana that you presented the trees in sharp contrast to how they look in different seasons! I love it when the flowers begin to come and the trees look laden with the blooms. So beautiful, as always.


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