Friday, July 22, 2016

Falling Friday - The Grandma Discussion

Yesterday, a couple of cousins from out of town visited my mother in law.  One brought with her her young daughter and her month old baby boy.

My mother in law, who is in her late 80's, was so happy to have these two children in the house.

My son came over for dinner.  Over sandwiches and salads, the "Grandparent" discussion commenced.

You know the one, if you are of certain ages.

I have not been in a hurry to be a grandmother. My mid-20's son (I only have one child) is not in a committed relationship, so the discussion doesn't happen all that much.  But I know two things.  One is that my son loves children.  And the other thing is, I remember when my Dad burned with Grandparent fever.  (Sadly, he didn't live to see his grandson.)

For me, the urge does not burn.  Not yet, anyway.  All around me, people I know are becoming grandparents.   I work closely with someone who has TWO pregnant daughters right now.  They are on opposite coasts (of the United States), and are due at somewhat the same time, and I don't envy her the travel.  But it is nice to think about.

I don't dread being called "Grandma". Or "Nana" or anything like that.  Not at all.

Around me, people are retiring because they have become grandparents.  I am not ready for that, either.

But I was ready for this.

Little J. was in his fussy part of the day.  And, when I held him, he cried for a couple of minutes. But I rubbed him like a grandmother, and felt love in  my heart.

And you know what?

He stopped crying, and smiled at me.

Watch out, world.


  1. Such a sweet description! It's nice how you stayed patient and composed all along, and let life play it's way. The picture is very cute, here's an awesome granny coming up! :)

    1. I hope so, Darshana. But I am not going to rush my grandson, especially if he does enter into a committed relationship.

  2. This is such a lovely post, Alana. :) There is no way that I can imagine myself even being a Mother, let alone a Grandma!

    1. I wouldn't have either, in my 20's or 30's or even 40's. But I think I'm ready now (may be famous last words).

  3. Actually, maybe your son should be wary :-)

  4. Awww...what a sweet picture. I love my grandparents and wish my children still had my dad around to be that grandfatherly voice of love and truth in their lives.

  5. I never had any interest in being a grandma. Swore I would never spend my retirement baby-sitting. Yet, here I am, watching Charlie every day, some week-ends, and enjoying every minute of it. Looks like he may be the only grandchild I have so I am making the best of it.

    1. Funny how life leads you in unexpected directions.

  6. I have no desire to be a grandmother quite yet, probably because my kids are the same age as your son and it's just too soon for them.
    But I sure do love holding a baby now and then.

    1. No idea where either of our lives will take us, but maybe we'll both be blogging about it one day.

  7. Love this post! Am a new "MiMi" myself and it is a wonderful world!

    1. I get that impression from Facebook (the same Facebook I blogged about maybe quitting today...aargh.)

  8. Aww, you'll be a wonderful grandmother some day! I first learned I would become a grandmother a little over 4 years ago. That's when I stopped getting my hair dyed and just let it go to the underlying gray/white/silver it actually was.

    Then almost 2 years ago, granddaughter #2 was born. Now grandchild #3 is on the way, due in December - will find out on Tuesday(7/26) if this is granddaughter #3 - grandson #1!

    1. Can't wait to find out, either! I'm not quitting Facebook just yet - part of that is for this kind of reason.

  9. Seems like you either become a grandparent too soon or too late. Those who are not ready and those who are more than ready. As I have no kids, I don't have to think about this (and luckily my brother has 5, so my parents have had their grandparent itches scratched).


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