Monday, July 10, 2017

Music Moves Me - Questions of Balance

Today, for Music Moves Me, I celebrate balance, as in the ability not to fall.

In honor of my starting up my series on falls prevention, and because Music Moves Me is allowing us a "freebie" week where we can blog about any type of music, I decided to think about songs that mention balance, or have the word "balance" in their title.

This first song came immediately to mind.
Tightrope, as sung by Leon Russell.  Besides tightrope walking being used to entertain people, it's an awesome balance exercise.  In my falls prevention exercises, one of the exercises is walking an imaginary tightrope.

A little heavy metal is next.  My son introduced me, years ago,  to a group called Killswitch Engage.  He went to one of their concerts here in Johnson City, New York before they hit the big time.  This definitely won't be a favorite of many of my readers (or me, to be truthful) but the title "When the Balance is Broken" fits the balance theme.

John Kay and Steppenwolf (my spouse is a big Steppenwolf fan) in a song called The Balance.

And finally, two song by one of my favorite groups, the Moody Blues.

In August of 1970, the Moody Blues released an album called "A Question of Balance".  What follows is two songs from the album. The first, Question, was written by Justin Hayward.

Question doesn't have balance in the lyrics, but, hey, this is a Freebie week.

The Balance, written by Mike Pinder, does fit the theme.  Is it strange that so many songs about balance talk about mental balance, or even the futility of war? I didn't mean it that way - it just happened.

Finally, a song that is plainly about about war - Lives in the Balance - Jackson Browne. 

Join this blog hop every Monday - here are the people responsible for it:
X mas Dolly is the Conductor of this trip, and the other Conductors are her fellow bloggers Callie of JAmerican Spice, ♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥  and Cathy from Curious as a Cathy !

Also, it is day 10 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost.

Will you climb aboard the music train today?


  1. Hi Alana,
    You're featuring several of my favorite bands today! I love Steppenwolf, though I'm not familiar with their song The Balance.
    Love the Moody Blues. I would love to see them in concert. Never got a chance to see one of their shows. I hear they put on incredible shows.
    And this Jackson Browne song, Lives in the Balance: amazing flute!!

    Neat theme, balance! Very creative.
    Have a good Monday...

    Michele at Angels Bark

  2. Good morning, I hadn't heard of any of these songs so it was fun to check them all out. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.

  3. Good-morning Alana, I like the direction of "YOUR CHOICE" theme with songs about 'balance'. Your gave me a balance of familiar and not-familiar tunes which I enjoyed very much. It's been a while in hearing, "Tight Rope" so that was a nice treat. Have a rockin' good week, my friend and thanks for hitting the dance floor with the 4M gals! ;)

  4. Actually, Steppenwolf is about the war that was- back when we were young. It and the Moody Blues selections brought back memories.

  5. Oh I had forgotten about that Jackson Browne song. I am right smack dab in the middle of searching for balance in my life. Off to get out my Jackson Browne!

  6. Great songs as we all need to find balance in our lives.

  7. Hi Alana; I'm a huge fan of Steppenwolf as well as The Moody Blues (who I'm also featuring today). "Tightrope" brings back memories. Some heavy metal sub-genres are appealing to me, but the screaming/shouting Death Metal style, not so much. Killswitch Edge seems like an appropriate name. ☺ Great Jackson Brown tune, though. Cheers!

  8. I love the Moody Blues. They've always been a favorite of mine! Great memories!

  9. Excellent choices today! All great artists, and some songs that I was not familiar with. Balance is a wonderful theme.

  10. Great selection but I'm all into country!

  11. I suppose "Dancin' on the Ceiling" defies the whole balance point. Great song choices.

  12. Holy Cow, what is going on today! Everyone is just a bundle of massive information! It's totally awesome & woo hoo look at you MOODY BLUES is that for MARIE MOODY... hehehehe cuz that's MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHA Thanks girlfriend! YOU HAVE SO ROCKED THE HOUSE TODAY! HAVE A GREAT DAY! BIG HUGS!

  13. Music is a force in life. Some songs can have strong emotional strings. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Ohhh, Jackson Browne. Not my favorite song but I had such a crush on him that anything he sang...

  15. Late visiting, but wanted to come see our tunes. Thanks for sharing.


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