Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - August 2017

In times like these, we need our flowers more than ever.  To the rescue comes Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, a 15th of each month meme where gardeners from all over the world come to show the beautiful in their yards and homes,

My zone 5b upstate New York August garden is delivering.  It's a bit sad to realize that, in about three months, this flower garden will be a distant memory.

But, for now, the crickets are chirping and the flowers are thriving.

Here's a small sample.

Pink gladiolus.  This year, we decided to grow them and they are thriving in our rainy weather.

Yellow gladiolus.


I am growing "regular" impatiens again, after several years "off" due to the blight that infects them (I had that blight for two years, not knowing why I would go to work with healthy impatiens and come home to find all my impatiens dead - yes, it's that bad) and, knock on wood, they are thriving.
In fact, I decided to do a collage of impatiens and geraniums in bloom.

My "false sunflower" has come back for a third year, stronger than ever.

A begonia basket.

And finally, one of my zinnias.

Cross fingers that we don't get much more rain than we have already have. 

Thanks once again go to Carol at May Dreams Gardens, the Indiana gardener who links us to each other.  And speaking of linking, why not visit May Dreams Gardens now, and see what other gardeners have to show you?


  1. The ides of August. A contrast to the detritus that transpired in Ch'ville thus past weekend.

  2. Beautiful as always. I love the begonias

  3. That is a nice collage of pretty blooms!
    Love the Gladioli!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. Gorgeous blooms. Now why didn't I plant some gladiolus in the garden this year? Next year for sure!

  5. I agree. In times like these we need to focus on the beauty in life rather than the ugliness.. I love your pink gladiolus and your begonias. I wish you could send some of that rain our way. Our temps are going down but we need more rain.

  6. This is so pretty, peaceful and cheerful. I love it!

  7. Lovely flower photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  8. I find your zinnia to be the most impressive since I am struggling to grow them.

    Jeannie @ GetMetoTheCountry.Blogspot.com

  9. I completely agree, at times like these we need flowers more than ever. So much ugliness going on around us, beauty is a breath of fresh air.

  10. The flowers in our gardens are a bright light in difficult times. Love your gladioli. I have never tried to grow them here but I certainly would love to have them in a cutting garden for the house.


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