Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Trees Speak - Thursday Tree Love

If only the trees of upstate New York could speak, what could they tell us?
All pictures taken October 25 in the Binghamton, New York area
They might tell us that the leaf colors you see here are the true colors of the leaves.  Since the leaves sprouted in May, their true colors have been disguised by the green chlorophyll the leaves need to generate food from sunlight.

So don't always believe what you see.

But, as winter approaches, the tree prepares to go into hibernation.  It withdraws nourishment from its leaves and the true color appears.  Eventually, the leaves fall.

If we saw those colors from May to Octoer, we would take them for granted.

But, when we see them for just a few short days, we gasp in wonder.  So another lesson from our friends, the trees "don't take anything in life for granted".

They would give us one final lesson:  Everything, in its season.

Join Parul and other bloggers for #ThursdayTreeLove on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.

Day 26 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. I got to teach a 7th grade science class this once. They had no idea.

  2. I'm so sad when the leaves blow away. As they did here yesterday. Sigh.

  3. Hmmm. Although the trees don't die after the leaves fall, the leaves do. Another lesson might be that we are more likely to show our true colors the closer we get to death.

  4. Such beautiful fall colors we don't get here in LA. Love it!

  5. Love this. We don't have autumn (fall) like you do. I visited the States for a writers' conference in October some years ago and I was totally blown away by the beauty of the fall colours! How to Harness your Hashtags - #8 in ProBlogger Challenge

  6. Beautiful pictures and yes there is so much to learn from the trees, I always feel grateful for the trees that surround us, give us fresh air and give the place a lovely look:)

  7. Beautiful colors. Reason why I love autumn the most :-)

  8. Such lovely fall colors and yes, if the trees spoke they would tell us so much. Your captures are so close to nature, Alana. Always make me smile. Thank you for joining! I really appreciate it!

  9. Read about the reason behind leaves colour change. Its interesting how they look beautiful in all colours

  10. Wow! Thats a superb interpretation of nature's way for trees to deal with winter.

  11. Beautiful life lessons and what a pretty fall colour!


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