Thursday, February 15, 2018

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day February 2018

Today marks the beginning of the 12th year of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  Congratulations, Carol!

Today, let me show you what is blooming in my house in upstate New York, zone 5b.  Outside, the ground is covered with snow.  I only have a handful of blooming plants to show you.

Geraniums (from plants my son got me for Mother's Day two years ago now).
More geraniums.


And, finally, reblooming poinsettias from last year.  I have three such plants - this is one of them.  I'm not sure this counts, given that those large red bracts are not flowers, but they look nice.

My Thanksgiving cactus have been blooming since - well, Thanksgiving, but right now they are taking a little break.

And one of my moth orchids is putting up a flower spike.  I didn't take a picture - the poor plant is so past needing to be repotted, and yet it blooms.

Spring, please come soon.  Let all the snow melt and the early spring flowers start to bloom soon.

Thank you again to Carol at May Dream Gardens for keeping up this monthly meme, held every 15th of the month.

Is anything blooming in your house or yard? 


  1. we have a hibiscus 🌺 that’s blooming in the foyer.

  2. Some nice bright color to cheer the winter-weary soul. Joining you in urging spring to make haste.

  3. Of course Poinsettias count! Especially when they are older ones. I have three that I got at Christmas, but they are looking really sad now. Hope I can get them to bloom again.
    My mother loved Geraniums, so every time I see them I am reminded of her (she lived to be 90).
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. Nothing blooming right now but we're not far from crocus time, hooray!

  5. It's always nice to have some indoor blooms to enjoy during the wintertime. I have never tried getting poinsettias to re-bloom the following year...well done! Happy GBBD!

  6. Those are some cheery blooms for gray winter days. Happy Bloom Day.

  7. Nice blooms. I'm sure it'll warm up for you soon.

  8. First I thought these were outside and I was totally jealous! Soon your outside will be in bloom too. I have buds on all my blueberries and daffodils are up. My arugula wintered over and I just picked some and slugs are out so it must be spring!

  9. Its interesting to know how weather conditions differ in two parts of the world..all your aforementioned blooms in our garden in winters since we have mild winter .


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