Sunday, September 2, 2018

Turtleheads of Gratitude

Yesterday, I blogged, begging summer not to leave us in upstate New York just yet, despite the heat and humidity.

A blogging acquaintance in India, who has visited the United States on numerous occasions, commented on Instagram, wondering why I felt that way.

She's right.  I should be grateful for today.

Today, I went out in my backyard, in golden hour light, and photographed my turtleheads.  No, not turtles, but a flower that looks something like a turtle's head, especially when a bee (and bumblebees love them) squeeze into the flower.  It can be hard to see, but the bee is entering the lowest of the flowers on this stalk.

These pictures don't do it justice.  The bees were just too fast (here, on the right.)

But take my word for it.

Dear Indian friend, in two months these flowers, and all the flowers in my garden, will be gone, replaced by the first flakes of snow and the winds of November.  Those winds bite with a vengeance, and, at least we don't have to shovel heat.  But, on the other hand, we do not get your monsoons or your oppressive heat and humidity.  My father did, when he was stationed in India during World War II.  I still remember some of his bedtime stories.

Each climate has its good times and its bad times.  In another few days, the heat should break, hopefully for good.  September can be a beautiful month here in upstate New York.

And it's not just that.  I have so much to be grateful for.  Health.  A loving spouse who cooks for me. (Two things to be grateful for!). Mobility.  The ability to take an exercise walk and enjoy the early morning breezes.

After my walk, I visited my mother in law, who no longer has her mobility (or all of her memory) and I can be grateful for the stories she told me today.

Thank you, Bellybytes, for reminding me that I should be grateful.


  1. Lovely little turtle heads! It must be a pretty sight to see the bunches of them playing perfect hosts to the bumblebees!
    Most of the times, I feel that one life time is not enough to appreciate the blessings of God in terms of variety and beauty He has spread across the Earth. But one thing is sure, one life time is enough to count the blessings in one's life and be happy about it!

  2. The heat will break for good? Oh, you're lucky. We're cooler today, but we can't be sure we're done with the heat. We've had 100-degree days in October. We've had 80-degree Christmases (a couple years ago now). Thankgiving eaten al fresco. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. (Well, 100-degrees in October, bad. The others...)

  3. Thank you for sharing your gratitude... a wonderful reminder of the things all of us have to be grateful for.

  4. The turtleheads look lovely. Spring has just started in Australia and we are getting to see some beautiful cherry blossoms.

  5. The flowers look amazing. I miss Western summers--Singapore is tropical and hot all year.

    Damyanti at Daily (w)rite

  6. Thanks Alana for the shoutout. This was the first time ever any blogger has acknowledged me and I am simply thrilled. I really wish I could see your summer flowers. I might just be in time to see the first snow when I visit again this November.


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