Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day Lilies #WordlessWednesday

The daylily season is approaching its end in my upstate New York yard, but I have some pictures from the last several days to share with you.

Tomorrow, why not visit my blog for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, to see what is blooming on the 15th of the month.  Technically, I can't use these photos, so consider this a "sneak peak".
So many colors - here, yellow.
Red lilies after a rain.

And one of my favorites, a frilly peach yellow.

I grew up in a New York City housing project and now I have a front yard.  During te summer I have flowers a few feet from me.  I am so grateful.

Join Esha and Natasha each Wednesday for #WordlessWednesday.


  1. So pretty. I do love daylilies. I mean, what's not to love?

  2. I adore lilies! At once elegant and cheerful. I even grow some. Oh not like these, but I'm proud of them!

  3. Very pretty. Sad to think the season is over. It's not even mid August.

  4. I love these flowers. So glad you have them around you. I remember the home I grew up in and the garden that mom tended to so lovingly during the growing up years, every time I see day lilies. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us, Alana. See you around at #ww again.


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