Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Photo Hoarder #Blogboost

Am I the only one who has 9,000 flower pictures on her Iphone?

I am a photo hoarder.  I admit it.  But when I scroll through the over 9,000 (yes, you read that right) photos on my phone, I remember why I keep so many of them.  Seriously, not all of them are flower photos.

There are the pictures of people I knew who have died in the past year - the next to last Mother's Day spent with my mother in law, a reunion of cousins pictures that includes a cousin's wife who passed from brain cancer earlier this year.

There are unforgettable sunrises and sunsets.  Strange things I've seen around time.

And about those flowers. There's a growing season's worth of flower pictures, from the first crocuses to the Japanese anemones that will close out the flowering season - possibly as early as Saturday morning, when we are expecting (boo....) our first frost, after days of unseasonably warm weather.  Wait, what?
There are pictures of my garden (where the two zinnias above are).  There are pictures of a red dahlia whose tubers were given to me by a friend who died from cancer in 1998. We kept them going until last fall - in the last days of my mother in law, who died the day after Thanksgiving, we were so consumed by the events that we forgot to dig them up.  The tubers died over the winter.

There are pictures taken of my travels, and there have been a lot of travels this past year, including travels to three funerals and a wonderful two weeks spent in Florida in January.

I hope to share some of those pictures with you this coming October as part of a new Ultimate Blog Challenge.

And I thank you for checking me out.

I hope you will join me on this October blogging journey.

Day three of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. I have nothing on my phone which I hardly ever use, but you have just reminded me I have some flower photos on one of my cameras which are probably screaming to be set free.

  2. I think we all became photojournalists the day they installed cameras in our cell phones.

  3. My photo hoard is on my server. Some may have originated on my phone, but most from either my digital or (yes!) conventional SLR. And, 9000 would be a low number- but I won't bother counting. I just make sure they are properly denoted so I can find what I want in the the index.

  4. I love flower pix. I'm the same way with pix of my dog. :-)

  5. I go through my photos from time to time and delete. Not completely, though. I back up the important ones in the cloud, on a hard drive somewhere, or both. My phone has limited storage (time to upgrade...), so I can't keep every photo I've ever taken on it. Nice to have easy access, though.

  6. ..and that would be me! Haha. I loved your photographs. Keep'em coming.

  7. Gorgeous flowers, that is one of my favorites to photography also. Glad to see you back at the challenge.

  8. Until I reset my phone back to factory settings just a few weeks back (funny story about that! LOL), I had a ton of pictures on my phone too, but not as many as you have! It's refreshing to scroll back through them and see pics of your kids, growing up too fast on you. I have a lot of dog pics because I like to capture their expressions at just the right moment. Priceless! :)

  9. I am a photo hoarder but mine aren't nearly as pretty as yours. I often take a shot of where I'm parked in a garage so I can locate my car when I return or the label on something and other useless and random things that I never seem to remove. I need a phone cleanse.

  10. Wow! 9,000! your phone's memory bank is huge.

    This reminds me of my previous blog which is now defunct. Capturing photos of flowers and nature is relaxing.

    This is Bing of Bing Writes Content.


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