Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Groundhog's Palindrome

Today, February 02, 2020, is both Groundhog Day and Superbowl Sunday in the United States.

Later today, groundhogs will be forced out of their winter snoozes to predict for American humans whether we would have an early spring or six more weeks of winter.

Tonight, 22 grown men collectively paid millions of dollars will chase and throw a ball around a field while tackling each other for everyone's pleasure.  (OK, sorry, it's more complicated than that.  At halftime, there will be some music.)

But today is even more interesting because today is a special day for people who like number patterns.  This one hasn't happened since the year 1111.

To keep my mind off what the groundhog predicted I read an interesting article about today's date being a universal palindrome.

Whether you write dates in American style (MM DD YYYY) or European style (DD MM YYYY)
today is a "universal palindrome"  02/02/2020.

We don't have to wait almost 1,000 years for the next one, but none of us alive today will have to worry about that.

Need a Super Bowl recipe?  Check these out:
Bean Dip
Guacamole, Peanut Sauce

And may you have a good time, regardless of what you do today.


  1. Hi Alana - the GroundHog's palindrome is just perfect for a damp, grisly day here in little old UK. A few people will enjoy the game tonight - but I'm delighted to know about the palindrome ... no idea what I might use it for!! Cheers Hilary

  2. Thanks for the giggles over the description of the 22 grown men collectively paid millions of dollars will chase and throw a ball around a field while tackling each other for everyone's pleasure--exactly. LOLOL

    The groundhog needs glasses, that's all I am saying, LOLOL.

  3. So, according to the groundhog spring will come early. Frankly, we haven't seen much of winter where I live in Michigan. Only used the snow blower twice so far.

  4. Happy Palindrome Day! No Super Bowl for me. It's a beautiful day here in Southeast Texas. I plan to spend it gardening.

  5. Yeah, that's kinda my feelings about the Superbowl in a nutshell.


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