Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Spring Can't Be Taken Away From Us

I had a blog post all scheduled to run this morning.  And then, at 3 am (what is it about 3am?) I woke up with a bad feeling.  A very bad feeling.  I decided not to run it.

Anxiety had struck.  It's not the first time since February that this has happened.
Why?   I know why.  I am not going to say it.  I will not give it further power over me.

 Perhaps I need to blog about something else entirely.


While we have been dealing with this terrible year, spring has been sneaking up on us. 

One day, it appears, with a flowery smile.  It tempts us.  Our hearts open wide.  We sit in the sun.

The sun shines and the flowers bloom.
The tulips open up wide.

The birds sing, and all is well, even in these times.  You forget about the other stresses of the day.

The next day, it's 30 degrees cooler and overcast. The sun is gone, replaced by cold winds.

And now, snow is in our forecast for the weekend. 

Wait, what?

No, you aren't going to take my joy away from me.  I might be fighting anxiety at 3am, but, you are not going to take spring away from me.

The sun will shine again one day, both for my flowers, and for us.

I can do this.


  1. That's why we no longer use global warming- and stick to climate change.

  2. My neighbor said this morning that it is still too cold to work outside. Lucky if we get into the 50's today.
    I understand the anxiety. Try to focus on what's good around you.

  3. Oh Alana, I know all too well that horrible anxiety. Lately I've been grappling with issues myself. I find turning from the news and concentrating on beauty - which is what you're doing- makes a difference. Hope you feel better.

  4. You can do this!
    And Spring will be back. Sunshine and birds and blossoms.
    Hold on to that!

  5. It’s unseasonably cool here, too, but the sun is shining and the birds are singing

  6. It may be a cool spring, but it is spring. And summer is coming...

  7. Yes, you can do this. And flowers definitely help. We have the cooler weather and whipping winds but no talk of snow (knock wood).

  8. Oh, yes, it is such a worrying time. But it shall too pass.


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