Friday, June 5, 2020

Clouds Gather #SkywatchFriday

A couple of recent storms have led to interesting pictures.  Not the most spectacular, but there is interest in even the not-so-spectacular.

Reflections in a puddle.
Clouds gather.
The sky glows.
And a final glow.

Upstate New York continues to march towards summer. 

Join Yogi and other bloggers watching the sky at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. That's a lovely sky and captions😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  2. I do like the puddle reflection. Have a nice weekend!

  3. Even ordinary sites can be spectacular if we look at them the right way.

  4. Love that puddle picture because it's so unique, has a surreal quality about it.

  5. We haven't had any rain in well over a week even though they keep saying it 'may' happen. I have seen clouds but what ever they were carrying they kept it.

  6. Beautiful reflection shot.

  7. I like that puddle view. Very different.

  8. I like the reflection shot best. - Margy


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