Saturday, August 22, 2020

National Be An Angel Day #BeAnAngelDay

 Roy Ackerman over at Cerebrations introduced me to the National Be An Angel Day (which is today).

To quote, "National Be An Angel Day encourages good deeds and kindness to others. By supporting those in need and inspiring others to kindness, we display an act of an angel here on earth. The day also recognizes those who've been angels to us."

Angels to us....think back.  I know there have been angels in my life, some I've known for years, some who came into my life for just a few moments or days.

Here are some ideas to honor the angels in our lives.  

It can be anything from forgiving someone who has wronged you, thanking your local mail deliverer (so important in these times), checking in on an elderly next door neighbor, donating time to a cause that benefits your community, and so much more. 

I wanted to end this post with a suitable flower to gladden your heart.  Of several photos I took in my flower garden today, this one struck me as the most beautiful.

A gladiolus (representing strength and integrity) and a phlox (harmony, partnership, unity); qualities we all need in our lives today.

Not much into chain emails or blog posts, but this one deserves to be passed on.


  1. "...good deeds and kindness to others" needs to be taught by example to children from birth! And, it needs to be everyday! It should be so much s part of our lives we don't have to think, "Oh, I should do something nice," it should be ingrained and just who we are.
    At least, that's the dream...

  2. Those flowers are lovely. I hope we can all find acts of kindness we can do to honor the day.

  3. It's like pay it forward, kind of.

  4. ...we need more angels, that's for sure.


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