Friday, October 16, 2020

Foliage and Sky #SkywatchFriday

Welcome to Skywatch Friday, where bloggers like me watch the leaves fall sky.

At this time of year, watching the sky takes second place to watching the turning of the leaves.  Where I live in the Southern Tier of New York State, we've had some "meh" years recently in the leaf peeping department.  But, after our local paper predicted "meh" as their front headline one day (yes, they really did) I guess that spurred Nature to prove our paper wrong.


You decide if Nature did a good job.  Here, Vestal, New York.

Otsiningo Park, Binghamton.
Choose wisely - yellow, red, russet?

The hills are alive with color.

As a bonus we had some beautiful clear skies recently, which matched the trees turning so well.

Even on the Vestal Rail Trail, Nature shows off. 

But I know some of you won't rest until you see some clouds.  Well, Sunday, we had clouds.  Spouse and I headed up to Spring Forest Cemetery in Binghamton, which is filled with history, and also trees turning color.

And maybe I should end there.

Join me and other sky watching bloggers each Friday for Yogi's #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Like the autumn colours!
    Happy weekend!

  2. Nature did an outstanding job. Beautiful photos! Have a nice weekend.

  3. I went from living in New England, where the fall foliage is amazing, to living in the midwest, where it's always "meh." Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  4. Yours look a little further along than ours in Rochester. Not much, though!
    Carol Cassara

  5. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE FALL!!! And ours is sadly ending here. We've had a good run this year. Better than most. But today, snow is falling thick and fast. Sigh.
    Thank you for sharing your fall colours. It helps...

  6. Very pretty. And perfect against the very blue sky.

  7.'s a gorgeous time of year!

  8. I need to get out and take a drive in the country! Just as the trees start changing to evergreen, there are always such beauties mixed in I should go see.

  9. Beautiful images! Enjoy the weekend.


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