Sunday, November 8, 2020

Sunday Shadows

There is a flood wall where spouse and I walk several times a week, ever since the shutdown in March.

About a month ago, signs appeared.  I took this picture the day after Election Day.

At the end of the path these signs appeared.  At one point the Biden sign was ripped down.  A few days later, it was put back up.  You'll also see a sign for Claudia Tenney, the Republican incumbent of my district, who lost in 2018.  Vote counting isn't over, but she probably has regained her seat.

At this time of year, it's almost hard not to avoid shadows, so I kept part of my shadow in the photo.

A different day, back in October,  again two shadows.  We aren't walking on the grassy field but higher up on the flood wall.

Meanwhile, the last of the fall foliage is displaying.

Here's a sample.

And now our musical selection for this Sunday.

The Byrds and "Turn, Turn, Turn" with words of wisdom that are thousands of years old.

This song, written by Pete Seeger, was written in the late 1950's and covered by the Byrds, becoming a big hit towards the end of 1965.

May your day be peaceful and filled with happiness.


  1. ...congressional Democrats didn't get the job done!

  2. Our incumbent congressman won reelection handily. I'm happy, because I like him. He's pro-environment and anti-fascist. He's been fighting to keep the administration from drilling for oil and such in national parks. (I've oversimplified, but I think you know what I'm talking about.)

  3. Still counting the votes for my Congressman, in a very tight race. I love your song choice.


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