Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Flowers Finally and Feathers #AtoZChallenge #WordlessWednesday

Finally, finally.  Spring is here.  The snow and snow squalls of last Thursday and Friday are a memory, replace by my flowers.

I am supposed to be blogging on my theme of "New York State".  Well, I live in New York State.  "F" is such an easy letter.

I could have blogged about the Finger Lakes. (They will have to wait).

I could have blogged about Floral Avenue Park in Johnson City, New York (hey, I still can.  And I will.)

But I have spring Fever and I'm in my back yard listening to the birds.  My native cherry tree is budding.  Fall planted pansy Flowers should be fully open tomorrow afternoon.  I can't wait for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (April 15) to blog about flowers.  So, please Forgive me.  For a flower gardener, winter can't be over soon enough.

The last of my crocuses. (OK, I cheated. This is from two days ago).

My jonquils.  My first of the daffodils, they are tiny treasures.  The first of my full sized daffodils should be open today or tomorrow, daffodils that came with the house.  So they are over 30 years old now.

Purple Lenten Rose.  I have two Lenten Roses.  The other is a real early bloomer and survived two months of constant snow cover, but its flush of blooms is spent.

Bloodroot is just now coming out.  Blink twice and you'll miss it, but it's lovely while it is in bloom.  This is a native member of the poppy family, and has made a nice home in my yard.

One more picture I must show you.  I took this at our local Rail Trail on Saturday.  I fear some bird met its end - these were scattered on the side of the trail.  Does anyone have any idea what type of bird these may have belonged to?

Joining with Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


"F" day for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  


  1. Yeah for Spring and flowers! Well, we had snow yesterday evening and it's still chilly out there, but they said it will last 2 days then come back to Spring ;) Pretty feather, but sorry, no clue.
    Quilting Patchwork & Appliqué

  2. I have daffs opening and the trees are budding. It is supposed to get to 81 today so everything should start popping out.

  3. ...the bloodroot isn't out here yet.

  4. Beautiful flowers and the feathers are so pretty too, but no idea what kind of bird they may have come from.

  5. Spring flowers are so a joy. Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. Hiya - love the flowers - they're all gorgeous. Poor bird - but it's the way of life isn't it? Spring springing though is just beautiful - take care - Hilary

  7. Congratulations for getting past another winter! It's amazing how many new flowers are blooming daily in my yard. And with your flowers I don't have to use my own blog for the scavenger hunt F for Flowers!

  8. Such beautiful flowers. Spring is such a magical time of year.

    I don't know what kind of bird those feathers came from, but it made me sad to see them.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. Enjoy the spring, near your beautiful flowers!
    And sorry, but I have no idea about your bird! But I found something interesting: and is something similar, but it's only a start for you...

    Happy WW and thank you for the linking!

  10. The flowers are pretty. Our cat memorial garden used to be covered in crocuses late winter early spring, but every year there are less. This year there were very few and I think the mice are burrowing down and eating the bulbs. There are a lot of mouse holes there. When Eric and Flynn were still with us they wouldn't have given the mice chance.

  11. The first Spring flowers are so exciting!

  12. So happy you're getting warmer weather. It's nice to put winter behind you.

  13. Lovely spring flowers. The feather looks like it could belong to some kind of woodpecker.

  14. Spring Blooms and Flowers are so lovely. No matter what happens in politics and other areas of our lives, nature does not care. It will be at its best, and it truly helps our wellbeing, I believe.

  15. Alana,

    You can never go wrong with featuring flowers anytime. I sure do love the beautiful blooms of spring!

    Stop by when you get a chance to check out my Looney Tunes Foghorn Leghorn art sketch on Curious as a Cathy. ;) Happy A2Zing!


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