Thursday, June 9, 2022

Mystery Marvel Tree #ThursdayTreeLove

“The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.” Anais Nin.

You can walk a path again and again, but there is always something new.

Everyone loves a mystery, right?  And everyone loves flowers, right?

Today, you get both.

This is one of these "I should know what this is but I don't".  I saw this - large shrub? Small tree? in bloom along the Vestal Rail Trail, and I have to think it was planted there, not something Nature placed.


This is what I saw.  Wild roses are in bloom but this is not that.


So I went closer.

And even closer.

Any guesses?  Something about this makes me want to say lilac, but the late blooming lilacs I know aren't white, and (to me) smell terrible, as in garbage-like. (This is a problem I have with paperwhites, some lilies, and other flowers most people seem to enjoy, but I digress.) This didn't smell terrible.  Whatever it is, it's beautiful.

No matter how many times you walk a path, you can always find something new to marvel at.

Joining Parul at Happiness and Food, and other tree lovers, for #ThursdayTreeLove.


  1. ...looks like lilac/Syringa to me.

  2. Oh Alana, i love that nin quote! CarolC

  3. So true about the always something new. And I'm amazed how different a walk feels if I take the loop the opposite way. Same walk, very different experience.

  4. My plant identifier says it is Japanese privet (Ligustrum japonicum) which has naturalized in some areas of the country.

  5. I hope someone has the answer for you.

  6. Lovely! Sometimes the plant identity does not matter. But it does keep nagging the mind!

  7. Something utterly gorgeous about these and the quote too. :)

  8. I will guess Japanese Tree Lilac:) Very pretty and they smell good too:)

  9. Lovely! Most times I am on the mission to find new and I don't think much about what it is :) I loved the white blooms, Alana!

  10. It reminds me of privet, but the flowers are slightly different from the privet here. Good point about the same path always offering something new. Even if it was there before, we might have missed it. It's interesting how we perceive smells differently. Last time I smelled lilac, it was overwhelming.

  11. Such beautiful flowers, they seem to be Syringa vulgaris or common lilac to me. Have seen them in lavender shade in my area a lot.

  12. Gorgeous blooms, Alana! Not sure about the names of the flowers you shared but they look so pretty to me. Lovely thought-provoking quote too.


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