Friday, October 7, 2022

Fall Blue Skies and Rainbows #SkywatchFriday

Although we've had our share of gloomy weather recently, as we transition to fall weather in the Southern Tier of New York, we've had our share of blue skies, and even a couple of rainbows.

Here are some of my favorites.

Birds, on Canandaigua Lake on September 24.

A double rainbow, September 25. 

 Fluffy cloud, a Triple Cities park, September 26.

Some of the first fall colors and clouds, October 5.

A puddle reflection October 5-finally, we are getting rain!

And a final photo on October 6 with more hints of early color.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday. 


  1. all of your captures are beautiful enough for postcards

  2. ...a day with a rainbow is a special day.

  3. Since Hurrican Ian pulled out our weather has been fabulous! I know it will end soon so we're trying to enjoy every second of it.

  4. I think the fluffy cloud is my favorite. I love the contrasting colors.

  5. Such a bright sky with the fluffy cloud. I always love your reflection shots.

  6. I loved spending time looking at these. Carol C

  7. Blue skies, puffy clouds and a double rainbow. I was almost expecting to see a unicorn!

  8. Fantastic rainbow capture! My favorite is the huge white cloud after the rainbow. What a find in the sky!

  9. Gorgeous pictures! That cloud over Triple Cities Park is just beautiful! You have to know that now, whenever I see a reflection in a puddle, I think of you! :)

  10. Gorgeous. Love the rainbow, and also the puddle reflection!

  11. Beautiful. I especially like the double rainbow!

  12. Pretty. (The thing that causes the double rainbow means that a double rainbow is always present. It's just not always visible to the naked eye. The light has to be strong enough. It has to do with how many times the light bounces around the water drop.)


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