Sunday, January 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day January 2023

Each 15th of the month, I, along with others who love plants, post what is blooming in their yards and/or homes.  It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

It's been an unusual last month for me in my zone 5b New York garden.  Temperatures near zero F (-17 C) and snow, followed by warmer than normal temperatures.  My white Lenten Rose, which will bud out in January and normally stays in neutral through the winter, budded out early and ended up losing its flowers for this year.  Now, though, we've returned to winter.

I've been able to keep this geranium gift for Mother's Day blooming because of the mildish days that allowed this to be outside.  I decided to try to overwinter it, and it's under lights right now.

These are flower buds on my Tradescantia Bubblegum (Blossfeldiana cerinthoides variegata "lilac").  This plant seems to do better in the winter than the summer.

My airplane plant is airplaning (is that a word?), and has tiny flowers I can't seem to capture well, even with my new iPhone 13 mini.

Last, and definitely not least, is an amaryllis plant I bought last year as a bulb.  It bloomed and I left it to go dormant in my laundry area in the basement.  It's started itself up now, and it has a flower bud (on the right)  This is only the second time I've gotten an amaryllis plant to rebloom.   This makes up for the couple of houseplants I've managed to kill recently.

That's it for today.  

Anything blooming for you?


  1. ...I've never done well with amaryllis reblooming.

  2. Nothing here except I still have a poinsettia.

  3. Yes, congrats on the amaryllis, it's hard to get them to rebloom. They are forced so unnaturally when they are sold. You did well to ignore it and leave it in the cold I guess.

  4. No blooms in my yard this January Bloom Day. We recently had a hard freeze that put an end to everything that was left.

  5. The weather has been cray here too on Long Island. We even had a thunderstorm just a couple of nights ago! Here the Hellebores are blooming outside with some blooms on the houseplants to enjoy indoors. Enjoy your Amaryllis! I’ve never seen one rebloom before!

  6. Never heard of an airplane plant.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Happy Bloom Day! You have some beautiful indoor plants. That's so encouraging in a zone 5 climate isn't it? We've been quite mild here in S. Wisconsin (for us), but spring is still very far off. Enjoy the Geraniums, Amaryllis, and other wonderful plants.

  8. We have lots of greenery indoors but nothing blooming right now.

  9. I can't seem to grow anything EXCEPT amaryllis! I received mine 35 years ago as a two-leaf on-it's-last-gasp sad little seedling. It took a few years, but it responded well to my cheerful neglect and finally began to flower. I've gathered the seeds and replanted them and divided and divided. My one little plant is now gi-normous. And sits in a tub. And has many, many babies--also in tubs. My one success!

  10. Pretty flowers!
    Congratulations on getting a second-year bloom from the Amaryllis! I've never been able to do that.


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