Friday, January 13, 2023

Seize the Pre-Sunset #SkywatchFriday

Do you ever focus on getting the perfect sunset, and forget the purpose of sunset watching?

A couple of days ago, we were out walking about 3:50 pm.  The sun would be setting in another hour.  We decided to take a short exercise walk after a car trip.

The skies were cloudy but promising an interesting sunset.  I saw some colors already forming in the clouds.

I decided to take a couple of pictures.  And then, I would come back in a half hour and take some more.

Except, by then, the sky had clouded completely over and the sunset was a dud.  Sigh...If only I had taken more pictures and not just those two, I thought.  I should have seized the pre-sunset.

So I thought back to another sunset, a couple of days before I took these pictures, and I relearned a lesson I thought I had learned long ago.

No clouds in the area of this January 9 orange ball about to go down.
Zooming in for a better look.

The sun disappears in an orange glow.

So, what have I learned once again?  Sunsets don't have to be perfect.  They just need to be appreciated as individual events, each with their own strengths.  Some sunsets pull you into a different world for a few seconds of transcendence.  Some sunsets just....are.

Today,  we get a cold front and it's back to January weather and no sunset picture taking for a couple of days.

May today be a lucky day for you.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...sunsets go through phases, often the afterglow is best.

  2. I should pay more attention to the sky. I am quite often out at sunrise, and less frequently at sunset, but I have taken few pictures.

  3. Lesson learned, take your photos when you see something, don’t wait to come back.

  4. We've gotten really cold here again too. Lucky to have beautiful sunset views from my front porch and back deck.

  5. You have to have the "duds" to really appreciate the truly spectacular ones. If they were all spectacular, that would get boring.

  6. A very good lesson to learn (and your sunsets are beautiful)!

  7. No two are ever the same - that's the wonderful thing about skywatching!
    Yesterday's temperatures here in Mississippi were in the 70s. Today's, mid 30s.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Beautiful skies on capture. The best light is the twilight

  9. My sunsets are screened by trees but that moment is always a special time of day.

  10. Sunsets come and go. Some are spectacular. Others are duds. And that is the way it is. Thank you for sharing these marvelous sunsets. Moments are captured here and treasured by few of us or all.

  11. You are SO right! Appreciate them all--and be grateful you get to see another one! ;)


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