Thursday, February 23, 2023

1948 Crochet Annual

Before I begin today's post, I want to apologize to my readers who haven't heard from me lately.  It was a combination of a computer issue (now hopefully fixed), a problem I've had intermittently with commenting on some Blogger blogs, and a problem I had with one of my email accounts (now hopefully fixed).  I will need to catch up with visiting your blogs but it may not be today.

And now:

Some people like to collect vintage cookbooks.  

I, from time to time, can't resist vintage crochet books or magazines, especially if they are from the World War II era or the 1950's.

I have no idea where or when I bought this 1948 Women's Day Annual Crochet Paperback book, but I uncovered it while doing a tiny bit of decluttering recently.

It's in good (well, in my opinion) condition. considering it will be 75 years old this year.  It is stained, with wear, but it is all readable.  Apparently, these sold for 10 cents back in 1948 (yes, before my time) and I found one on eBay (sale ended, no longer available) for $9.74 plus $3.75 "economy shipping".

A lot has changed in 75 years, but crochet, in some ways, is still crochet.  Of course, the projects in this book reflect the fashions of the time.

As far as patterns, there are a lot of doilies in there, plus mittens, gloves, a sweater, and more.  I didn't look to see if the patterns are available for free online.

The inside page announces that this is Women's Day second annual Crochet Annual.  It mentions The Spool Cotton Company, a company I had never heard of.  I read online that they merged with Coats and Clark in 1952.

Coats and Clark, which also has an interesting history, still exists, as does Women's Day.  I remember both quite well from my childhood in the late 50's and early 60's. My Mom brought home both Women's Day and another women's magazine, Family Circle, each month.  She purchased them at the local supermarket.

I have been putting off (and putting off, and putting off) decluttering because so much I own has memories attached to this. 

 I definitely will not be giving away this paperback.

Do you like this kind of collecting?


  1. ...good things have staying power.

  2. It is fun to read the old publications. I like the ads too:)

  3. When I was younger with no internet, I bought different kinds of titles, related to handmade or gardening, or history or kitchen. But soon enough I discovered that in a small apartment it was not a clever idea to collect so many. So I stopped to buy them regularly, because anyway I discovered that in time the info became more and more 'softer'. What it's interesting, two weeks ago I found in an
    antique book store a book from 1964 about laces with crochet. And I think that these old books are much better than the present ones.
    All the best Alana. And keep what you love best. 😘❤️

  4. Wow! What an awesome crochet treasure you found ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. That's very cool. Sometimes those patterns are fun to do and sometimes you wonder at them. I have a couple booklets from the '60s that I inherited from the great grandmother who taught me to knit. Ah, the fashions...

  6. This sort of collection is very selective and exquisite. It will be a mission to seek out good quality crockets.

  7. Nice you discovered this treasure. I have many recipe books. The one I treasure is written by a nun. It has some very useful cooking tips.


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