Sunday, February 12, 2023

Photographer at Work - #ShadowshotSunday

For Shadowshot Sunday, I was out taking pictures on a rare sunny day where I live, and I kept getting my shadow in the picture.  I thought, why not keep myself in the picture?

A fence and me.

My spouse and I, taking a picture of a puddle that will appear in one of my Friday posts.

A fun way to spend the day of the Super Bowl.


  1. ...often I look tall and slim in these shots.

  2. Those are nice! I especially like the one of the two of you looking at the puddle reflection.

  3. Shadows can be so creative like what you have captured here

  4. Why not be part of the scene? Nice photos.

  5. I usually find those shadows too late, like when I'm about to post the picture and oops, there I am. But it's great when it's intentional.

  6. I love shadow shots. My granddaughter was experimenting with them for the cover of a book!


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