Thursday, March 2, 2023

Blogging From A to Z - 2023 Thoughts

We are less than a month away from April now, and it's time to think about the Blogging from A to Z Challenge (A to Z for short).  You may have noticed the new A to Z badge on my sidebar.

First, what is A to Z all about?

This challenge happens every April and lasts the entire month.  Bloggers who sign up (and some who don't) start April 1 with a post whose title and subject begins with "A".  Sundays the bloggers rest, although there will be one exception this year. 

This year, "A" day will be Saturday, April 1. Sunday  will be an off day (although participants are free to post a non A to Z post on Sundays). Monday is for "B" Tuesday is for "C", and so on, all the way to Z on the last blogging day of April.  That's a Sunday but participants will have to blog.  So, 26 blogging days (including April 30), 26 letters of the English alphabet.

Some of the letters are easy.  Some are difficult.  That's part of the fun.

The final part of fun is meeting up with bloggers from previous years, and reading and commenting on blogs of blogs new to you. 

Many A to Z's have a theme for the month of April, which they will reveal starting Sunday, March 12.

They?  and not "we"? Well....

I've participated the last several years (and managed to finish the Challenge) but this year I wasn't feeling the love.  I've cut down on blogging challenges the past several years, and right now, A to Z is the only one I participate in.

I usually do photography based posts discussing past travel.  My favorite theme was probably the year I did "Florida Outside the Theme Parks" .

This year, I wasn't going to participate in A to Z, but last week, my mind started to churn. As I've explained before, my mind goes into a kind of blank state during the winter.  With increasing daylight and bird song, I awaken.  My mind yawns and stretches.  My limbs move.

I'm awake.  My mental winter nap is over.  (Am I the only person this happens to?)

For "A", I could do Art, I pondered.  For "B"...

But it's a lot of work, and I feel myself, in my 70th decade, slowing down, wanting to savor life.  I finally have time to read some of the books I've wanted to read.  There are birds to watch and learn more about. There is post pandemic travel, too. Walking.  And just lazing around.

I'm still not 100% sure I want to participate.  If the badge disappears from my sidebar, you'll know what my decision is.

Do you ever do this challenge?  Will you this year?


  1. ...some letters of the alphabet aren't fun!

    1. No, some certainly aren't, especially Q and X. But, so far, I've managed.

  2. I have seen it for years but have never participated. I think I'd like to this year. Sounds like fun. How do I sign up?

    1. Rena, this is the blog for the challenge and there will be a master sign up list link posted, I believe, on March 26.

    2. Like Alana says, watch the challenge blog ( or for further announcements.

  3. I totally understand the mental winter 'nap'. And the need to slow down a bit. Just know that, whatever your decision, we'll following you.
    In a non-creepy way...😬😂

  4. The challenges can be fun (like writing prompts at a retreat), but I'm currently challenged to keep up with work and my own writing. If you jump in, have fun with it! And enjoy the community it brings.

  5. I know what you mean. At a certain point, it's more trouble than it's worth. Keeping up with all the visiting is what did me in.

    Which is why I unofficially participate. I don't pick a theme. I try to fit my usual post to the letter of the day. As I don't post on Saturdays or Sundays, I skip those days.

    I'm already planning my what ifs around C, I, O, and U. Although, those were the Tuesday letters in 2017 & 2018, so I might just recycle...

    Anyway, my point is, maybe don't pick a theme. Maybe scale it back a bit. Find a way to make it a game for the month. That's what I like doing.

  6. It is wonderful to be 76 and not feel the need to do ANYTHING, lol.

  7. I haven’t done this challenge in years. I think I might try it again this year,

  8. Alana,

    I recently decided against participating. I even did about four posts then said, "Nope, it's too much work!" Frankly, I'm too wiped out from the past few years of doing this and now that life has resumed to normal then I'd rather enjoy moments as they come instead of being forced to half do something. Perhaps next year I'll mentally be ready to return. I certainly understand why you're riding the fence this one. Do what feels right for you!

  9. I don't participate in challenges. I prefer my blogging to be ad hoc - whatever interests me at the moment. Still, I admire the perseverance of those who do choose to participate.

  10. I hop you decide to participate. We'd love to have you!

  11. Hi Alana - I gave up ... as I got frustrated with the admin - I did the first eight years, and in a lot of ways would have liked to have continued - but not once it was changed. Enjoy if you do decide to do it - cheers Hilary

  12. I've done this challenge on and off over the years. I learned that I like it best when I write the posts way early. I wrote N this morning!


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