Friday, July 28, 2023

Assorted Late July Skies #SkywatchFriday

Sky moods of the past few days are my theme today.

We went blueberry picking on Sunday, and had blue, cloudy skies to match.

Walking in a local park, clouds play peek-a-boo with a couple of highway overpasses.

Back to blueberry picking later in the week, and the skies are so different.  It rained about an hour after we left the fields.

Finally, Wednesday night, a sunset - yes, the smoke had returned, although it was better yesterday.

 Joining Yogi and other sky watchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Does anything quite rival the taste of fresh, ripe blueberries?

  2. Nice clouds for sky watching. I made blueberry muffins yesterday. I may make more today.

  3. Wow... blueberries in July. For us, the blueberries are gone by the end of June.

  4. Beautiful skies. I've never picked blueberries before!

  5. Wonderful series of sky photos ~ indicative of this summer for sure ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Oh the personality of the 'impersonal' sky!

  7. I used to love blueberry picking season. And it's best done under a partly cloudy sky too, hope you had a great day.

  8. Our sky has been full of those big fluffy white cumulus clouds this week. No (much needed) rain in them and none in sight.

  9. That's a great variety (although not so much with the smoke).

  10. Such a great variety of skies you give us this week. What are doing with the blueberries!!

  11. I wish we had blueberries grow here! They are imported and , sadly, quite expensive.
    The sunset in your last picture is spectacular!

  12. Fine pictures! I hope the smoke has left you. I’m tired of coming back.


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