Thursday, September 28, 2023

Trees in Love #ThursdayTreeLove

Spouse and I arrived at a place about 20 minutes before it was set to open, so we decided to walk in a nearby park and get some exercise.

Although we've been living in this area for over 35 years, this is the first time we've ever visited this park.  It had a nice walking trail and it was a pleasant walk.

I saw these two trees and I was moved to take their picture.  I forgot why I wanted to take the picture but when I saw it on my phone, I thought it looked like the two trees were trying to touch each other.

Were they in love?  Were they long time companions?  Or just friends?

Some scientists believe trees can communicate with each other.  I wonder.

Joining Parul at Happiness and Food this fourth Thursday of September for #ThursdayTreeLove.


  1. ...tree give us something to look up to!

  2. Yes they do look like they’re reaching out to each other

  3. Nice little shine of sun peeking through.

  4. I bet trees do communicate, just not in any way we would understand.

  5. This makes me feel like forest bathing.

  6. Trees are wonderful gifts from nature.

  7. Definitely friends I would say! Lovely capture Alana!

  8. Thursday Tree Love! :)
    That's a sweet picture of two neighbors. :)
    I'm glad you took a picture of them.

  9. They are close friends for sure. You are right - such a good one. I would have stopped too to look at these tree. Thanks for joining. Looking forward to seeing you later in the week.

  10. Love the sunshine peeping thru the tree. Trees in Love are blessed.

  11. There is growing evidence about tree communication and an underground network. It may be very different from what we currently understand. It's like jellyfish and starfish do not have brains as we know them, but they have neural networks that work like brains and learn from experience. At the very least, trees hold on to each other's roots in storms.

  12. Nice capture! I love it when trees touch! And I concur with JoAnne's comment above. :-D

  13. Nice capture! (That other comment was me) ;-)


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