Sunday, October 29, 2023

Fall Park Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Park shadows and foliage on a late October day.

Red tree.

High voltage tower shadows. 

Scarecrow in a local scarecrow contest.

Joining up with Magical Mystical Teacher and #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...this is the season for long shadows, but no today, it's overcast.

  2. The shadows in the 2nd shot is impressive

  3. Outstanding fall color, with shadow. Power towers always make great photographs whether shadows or skies, or just abstract stuff and who does not love a scarecrow.

  4. Beautiful fall foliage and I do love those shadows.

  5. I think I like the second one best.

  6. This is Birgit…you took some great photos of the colourful foliage


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