Saturday, October 28, 2023

The 2023 Scarecrow Contest Winners

The 2023 Otsiningo Park Scarecrow contest, which has become a tradition in our area of New York State, is over.

For those who followed my scarecrow contest posts, the 2023 winners have been announced!

1st Place: Broome Day Services- "Jack Skellington" 
2nd Place: Riverside Art Program – “The Little Mermaids” (#23)
3rd Place: Berkshire Farm Center & Services for Youth- “Berkshire Barbie-Foster Mom Barbie” (#18)
4th Place: Friends of Aliza Spencer- (#48) a 12 year old girl murdered in 2022 while out for a nighttime walk with her father and brother.  No arrests have ever made.

5th Place: ACHIEVE-“Pacman by Achieve” (a local chapter of a national non profit that advocates for, and provides services to, those with disabilities (including one of my brothers in law.)
Here are my posts for this year:
Thank you to my readers for your readership and comments.


  1. All great choices. I really love the pac-man one

  2. Not my choices (I like traditions in my scarecrows), but good causes. Not being near there, I didn't know about Aliza Spencer. How tragic. I read about it just now. Senseless.

  3. I have been looking forward to this!

  4. I love the scarecrows. I'll enjoy yours since it doesn't look like we are going to make the local scarecrow contest going on at our botanic garden.

  5. It’s fun to see these. My town is having a pumpkin people contest, which is kind of similar to what you have shown.

  6. It's nice to see the winners. I can see why those were chosen.

  7. This is Birgit…these are great! I love the first one and can see why it won 1st place


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