Sunday, April 7, 2024

Eclipse Eve #ShadowshotSunday

It's my day off from the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  Whew!

Here in New York State, we are looking forward to seeing the total eclipse of the sun tomorrow.  Cities in around 29 counties in our state, including Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, Watertown, and Syracuse, will be able to see totality.  It won't be total in New York City, and it won't be total where I live, but at least I won't have to travel to South Carolina like I did in 2017.  Or North Carolina in 1970, or Oregon in 1979.

Our newspaper has had the eclipse on the front page for about the past three weeks.  It seems like The Weather Channel talks about it several times a day. 

A major New York State based supermarket chain is going to close all its stores in the path of the eclipse for a half hour on Monday.

Party time!
Smile but wear your eclipse glasses.

Nothing says "eclipse" like cookies.

I'm so fortunate to have seen three total eclipses in my life.  So I will try to be philosophical if clouds obscure the eclipse tomorrow.

If you are planning to view the eclipse, remember:  protective glasses must be worn at all times except during totality.  

Now, it's time for Shadowshot Sunday, brought to us by Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures.

On a sunny day in March, a baby tree in a protective sleeve casts its shadow, almost like it's trying to act like a sundial.

I can only hope that we will have similar weather tomorrow.

Tomorrow, "G" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.


  1. I can't see any of UK superstores closing in the event of a total eclipse. I think that's an amazing gesture and should gain them a lot of goodwill.

  2. I would have loved to visit this supermarket

  3. Getting ready on Long Island, it will be partial — about 90%

    Yesterday I saw signs on the highway advising travelers to take mass transit during the eclipse. If you’ve ever had the sun in your eyes while driving …

    Many schools will have early dismissal. They’re telling us to keep our pets indoors.

    I’ve got my glasses and a filter for my camera. I hope to get some interesting photos.

  4. I won't be any where near the path of totality. My middle son and my brothers will be, though. If I could, I'd go visit my son, but, funds available for fuel to drive that far. I think that's cool that some stores are closing during totality!

  5. It does look like a sundial shadow. Cute cookies. I just found out I'll have a 26% obscuration! Less than last October, but still worth seeing. I kept my glasses.

  6. Apparently I'll get to see a partial eclipse. I so want to see a total one one day. Maybe someday...

  7. There must not be much happening weatherwise if the Weather Chsnnel is focused on the eclipse.

  8. Great description of the photo. It has me imagining the tree be excited to be a sundial.
    Clouds are forecast for tomorrow here. I'll have my glasses with me, but I'm not hopeful.

  9. I will not be where I can see the total eclipse but I believe there's going to be partial. I'm visiting you from the A to Z Challenge. Looking forward to more of your posts!

  10. We weren't in the path of totality and the weather was gorgeous all day, until the eclipse and it got very cloudy and overcast! Thankfully, we got to see a few glimpses in between the clouds!


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