Friday, June 14, 2024

May Cruise-In Skies #SkywatchFriday.

Time is speeding by.  This is the last Skywatch of spring, 2024.

Today, I'm taking you back to May 17, when there was a cruise-in in a local supermarket's parking lot.  One of the store's employees, who is a Corvette enthusiast, puts these together.  This year, it's expanded to twice a month (first Saturday and third Friday) through the end of the good weather.

The sky looked a little grim in one direction.

But less grim reflected on this little red Corvette's hood.

How about a different Corvette?
Less noticeable on the purple Chevy.

One more plus part of that Chevy above.

I like looking at classic cars, and finding these reflections is part of the fun.  I hope you found it fun, too.

Joining Yogi and other skywatching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Dramatic sky! Classic cars are interesting and usually so much more attractive than modern cars.

  2. ...someone got creative painting the '57 Chevy.

  3. That purple Chevy … you’re certainly not looking to blend into the crowd if you drive that car.

  4. Added interest with the reflection.

  5. I actually look forward to your skies on car reflections! These are best ever, I think.

  6. It's amazing what people do with their love of classic cars.

  7. A dramatic sky make the reflections all the more interesting.

  8. I love sitting on my patio watching the clouds and there are almost always some to watch at this time of year.

  9. I love classic cars and your reflections of the sky add even more interest. Nice shots! 👌

  10. Awesome sky shot and great vintage car photos too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Outdoor car shows are the best. You get great light and reflections especially on a cloudy day. Trying to get the white balance right inside drives me crazy.

  12. nice cars. I find them more beautiful than the modern ones.


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