Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cherry Blossoms and Life's End #ThursdayTreeLove

On the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, I join in with Parul of Happiness and Food and other tree loving bloggers from all over the world for #ThursdayTreeLove.

The cherry tree is precious to many people.  In Japan, the blooming of the cherry trees is a cause for celebration - eating, drinking and visiting friends and family, called hanami.

But the blooms are fleeting.  They are a symbol of the temporary nature of life.  We bloom, and then, even if we've lived a good long life, our blooms fall and our time ends.

Yesterday, I took these photos of a cherry tree at peak near where I live in upstate New York.  Earlier that day, a life ended - the life of my spouse's 107 year old aunt.  I've blogged about her several times over the past few years.

She loved flowers, especially violets.  I can't produce a violet tree, but I can show you the next best thing.  And I will write a tribute to her in the next few days, after the family has gathered to remember her life.

I knew there was a reason why the tree blossoms have been so beautiful this year.

Farewell, amazing woman. 


  1. Amazing and fleeting blossoms. There is a dialogue about Cherry Blossoms in the movie The Last Samurai! So sorry to read about your loss. Please accept my condolences.

  2. Sorry for your family on the loss of a venerated one.
    May her memories always bring a smile to your face.

  3. So sorry for your family's loss. Enjoying seeing some blue skies peeking out there. We're in full on May gray here. Haven't seen the sun in a little over a week.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I do love the cherry blossoms as a remembrance. I know you'll think of her this time of year every year.

  5. Hi, I just found your A to Z comment in my spam so approved it. I then popped over to visit. I started viewing the fab cherry blossoms to then read about your spouse's 107-year-old aunt passing. What a contrast the fresh flowers of spring and then the passing of an old life. She will have seen so much over her years. Sorry about this loss.

    Regards Fran

    TravelGenee A to Z Blogging Challenge

  6. This post is a tribute to your spouse's Aunt. I loved the blooms and that you celebrated her life with this post. Makes me happy that you are a part of Thursday Tree Love. Stay blessed!

  7. Your spouse's aunt must have been an amazing woman and my thoughts are with you and your family for your loss. The cherry trees are beautifully paying a tribute to her through your photos.


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