Friday, May 10, 2019

Puff Cloudy- #SkywatchFriday

Puff cloudy.  Remember those puffy clouds that, when you were a child, made you imagine shapes?

Why not try your imagination out on these clouds:  pictures taken this week in downtown Binghamton, New York.

Skies of justice, above the Broome County courthouse.
Skies of reflection.  I've taken pictures of reflection in this window before.  It's so photogenic, I think.
Skies and spring trees.
Just plain clouds.
Finally, breaking this puffy theme, early morning skies.

Join Yogi and other bloggers watching the sky each Friday on #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Pretty blue skies. I haven't seen a blue sky or white clouds all week. We're deep into May gray with clouds that almost look like rain producers.

  2. These are perfect clouds to stimulate the imagination! Have a happy weekend.

  3. Those are beautiful skies.


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