Sunday, March 1, 2020

The First Signs of Spring 2020

A continuation of yesterday's House in Upstate New York Flower Show but this time we have moved outdoors. 

Yes, I know, it is too early to expect much in this upstate New York yard, but we are showing the results of a (for us) mild winter.

Spring is here.

All photos taken today on a rare sunny day.

As the snow melts back on my front lawn, crocuses have appeared.

My early daffodils are coming up on the side.

The pansies bred to overwinter in this climate have overwintered.

An experiment - lingonberries.  We bought two plants last year and will see what happens.

But one more coming attraction - under leaves (because the early flowers that were exposed were caught by our coldest weather of the winter), my white Lenten Rose continues to bloom.

Can gardening season be far behind?

A flower a day really does keep happiness in our lives, even as uncertainty swirls around our daily affairs.  These posts may seem unimportant today, but who knows about tomorrow?

Tomorrow, after all, is not promised to us.


  1. We still have a few patches of snow in our yard.

  2. It sure looks like a hint of spring and time to break out the gardening tools!

  3. Looks like the flowers shall return.

  4. Daffodils are blooming in my yard! This is very early.
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