Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Grace and Gardens #AtoZChallenge

In a time of stress, gardens help to center us.

They don't need to be large.  This is at our local YMCA.

They can grow food - a local community garden in a residental neighborhood of Binghamton, New York.

There is a garden called Grace Gardens in the Finger Lakes of New York State, which specializes in daylilies.  I have many garden pictures on my phone, but I thought this garden fit the theme best.

There are small hidden houses.

Purple flowers.

And, of course, day lilies.

I was amazed to find this place is run by an older husband and wife - and the husband used to work in the neighborhood where I live, years ago.  It's truly a small world.

I've tried to keep these posts short, with more photos than words, because I want this blog to be at least a temporary oasis in the middle of chaos.

Do you have a favorite garden?

"G" day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme "America the Beautiful".


  1. And you have successfully created the Oasis Alana! Enjoyed these lovely gardens !!

  2. Hi Alana - gardens always bring pleasure ... whether small patches, allotments for vegetables, or meadows ... these look lovely and yes, what a co-incidence. Take care - Hilary

  3. Lovely gardens, great to have a place to walk around, have beautiful flowers to see.


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