Friday, June 4, 2021

Rhodies and Skies #SkywatchFriday

Ithaca, New York on a beautiful spring day. These pictures (mostly) were taken at the Cornell Gardens (formerly the Cornell Plantation) on the Cornell University campus.

There's a wonderful collection of rhododendrons in their gardens and the best part is, it's free.  The skies were wonderful, too.

There are lots of trees, especially conifers, and lots of hostas, but the sky is what drew a lot of my attention.

It was so clear and blue.

I wish I could stay in that day forever.

But it's almost time to go.

On the way out, still on the Cornell campus, I took one last shot of the sky, with the Cornell Clocktower in the distance. 

Happy birthday in heaven to my Mom.  I know she would have enjoyed this garden, too.

Joining up, as I do every Friday, with Yogi and other sky watchers at #SkywatchFriday


  1. WOW! These are gorgeous shots. Reminds me to slow down daily, smell the roses and enjoy the beautiful blue skies. It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and miss these soothing gifts that nature gives us. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow!Beautiful blue skies,love the last one.

  3. ...this beautiful spot will always be Cornell Plantation. but "plantation" is a term out of time. Over the years I sold Cornell many of their plants.

  4. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. Beautiful photos Alana and that last sky shot is very cool!

  6. Rhododendrons are pretty, and I admire them in other gardens. There were some old ones in my yard when I moved in, and I didn't care for the stickiness of them when I deadheaded. There was one in a nursery pot too, but I gave it away. Azaleas (actually a kind of rhododendron) I'd be happy to have in pots, but it gets too cold. Have a nice weekend.

  7. I've said it before, I know, but Alana, you life in a beautiful spot on the globe! Gorgeous pictures!

  8. What a beautiful garden. I'm a rhododendron lover, grew up with them in front of our house.

  9. Really beautiful. The first two photos almost look like paintings! The rhodies really add to the beauty.

  10. These pictures are breath taking, Alana. I feel like in a fairytale😸Extra Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  11. How beautiful is that sky ! I love an intense blue like that and to have it perfectly framed by those trees and rhodos stunning !
    I would have a hard time leaving a place like that too .. you want to remember every beautiful detail !
    Wonderful photos !

  12. Looks like it's a lovely spot.

  13. What a wonderful day to take pictures & I hear all weekend is going to be like this & HOT! 90's I'm hearin'!!! ENJOY GIRLFRIEND! Hugs...

  14. Beautiful shots. What a wonderful place to visit.

  15. Beautiful. I grew up on Long Island NY and huge rhodies were common. In Chicago, not so much.

  16. Beautiful photos! It's been ten days of rain here so today are the first blue skies I've seen in a while. Brenda

  17. Not sure my last comment posted. Love your photos because today's the first time in 10 days I've seen blue skies. Too much rain here! xoxox, B


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