Saturday, June 5, 2021

Even More Rhododendrons

Today is hot for us here in the Southern Tier of New York - it's supposed to hit near 90 degrees F (32.2 C). Maybe not hot for my southern readers, but it is for us.

After a trip to the supermarket, and then the farmer's market (took no pictures) and buying my (maybe) last annual of the season, we did some flower viewing and took a short walk on a tree lined street in Binghamton, New York.  It has a lot of beautiful linden trees and the fragrant (but small) flowers are just starting to open up.

So a short post today. Next, I have to do my houseplant watering, and then - maybe be lazy the rest of the day.

I had some leftover rhodie pictures from yesterday's post, so here are some more for your enjoyment.  After all, we can't have too many flowers.

Rhododendrons at Cornell Gardens, Ithaca.

A Rosebud azalea, also at Cornell.

A Mollis azalea (I think). I'm sure one of my readers will tell me if it's not.

Let's get a little more traditional.  This one is mine and came with our house (it's well over 30 years old). It's languishing and has been the past several years although it seems to be getting better with some TLC. 

Last, but not least, another traditional rhodie color.  In years past, this would have been loaded with bees.  Each year there are fewer and fewer.  So far, I haven't seen one on my rhodies.  It's concerning.

This hot weather will be pleasant for some of my bloomers and perhaps deadly for others, but others have it hotter, and I'm not going to complain.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Enjoy your lazy Saturday. When it gets that hot, it's nice not to have to do anything.

  2. It's about the same temp here in Florida, maybe a few degrees hotter, but that's how it will be for many moths here now. It sounds like you had a nice morning and your photos are all so beautiful! Enjoy your nice lazy afternoon! :)

  3. ...there can never be too many rhodies! It's too hot for me, we headed to the Adirondacks in the morning, hopefully it will be a bit cooler.

  4. I love your beautiful azaleas and rhododendrons. Both do really well here in Tulsa.

  5. West coast has lot of Rhodies. I know people here that grows them. But for me deer would munch on them/
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Agree! can't have too many flowers...or pics. These are spectacular!

  7. When I saw the weather for the upper Midwest and Northeast, I thought I hope this is not all summer. I know people build expensive homes in Michigan and not install air conditioners.

    90 degrees is hot. I live in the South and still am surprised I never airconditioned my home until about 20 years ago. But I did always teach summer school so maybe that is why I could tolerate the heat. Even my cats come in to sleep during the day.

  8. loved seeing all these flowers!


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