Thursday, May 4, 2023

May the 4th Be With All of Us

Today, May the 4th, is Star Wars Day (May the Force (be with you)).  This has become a day for Star War fans to celebrate.  But could any of us have foreseen the sudden appearance on the scene of AI?

We may need The Force sooner than we think.

Up to now, I've resisted playing with AI.  But yesterday, I got a message from the Bing search engine, a search engine I rarely use.  I know it is using AI now, and it encouraged me to chat, or ask a question, of it.  I decided that May the 4th might be a good day for the Bing AI to write a blog post about Star Wars Days, and I asked it to.  This was its response (below, in red.)

It came with footnotes and links - I'll give it that.

I'm not a professional writer (and I don't intend to use AI to write future posts - if I experiment further I will fully document what I did).  AI concerns me a lot, as an almost lifelong reader of SF.  So, I will simply ask my readers, some of whom are professional writers.

What do you think of AI?  What do you think of this fully AI written post? This is what one expert thinks about AI.  

One of the things he suspects is that AI may already (as in "right now") be smarter than us humans.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

May the 4th be with all of us. 

The rest of this is the AI generated post.

May the 4th Be With You: How to Celebrate Star Wars Day in Style

If you’re a fan of Star Wars, you probably know that May 4th is a special day for the galaxy far, far away. It’s Star Wars Day, a pun on the famous phrase “May the Force be with you” that has become a global phenomenon. But how did this unofficial holiday start, and how can you join in the fun? Here are some facts and tips to help you make the most of this epic day.

The Origins of Star Wars Day

The first recorded use of the phrase “May the 4th be with you” was in 1979, when Margaret Thatcher became the prime minister of Britain. Her party placed an ad in a newspaper that said "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie. Congratulations."1

Since then, Star Wars fans have adopted the date as a way to celebrate their love for the franchise. The popularity of Star Wars Day grew with the help of social media and fan events. In 2011, the Toronto Underground Cinema organized the first official Star Wars Day festival, featuring costume contests, trivia games, and screenings of fan-made films.1

In 2013, Disney, which acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, officially recognized Star Wars Day and began hosting annual events and promotions at its theme parks and online platforms.1

How to Celebrate Star Wars Day

There are many ways to show your appreciation for Star Wars on May 4th. Here are some ideas to get you started:

 Credits:  1.    2.   3.  4.  5.  6.


  1. ...this day always slips my mind.

  2. There is something spooky about the illusion of real that AI is able to maintain. Yet it is not alive. It is not a real being. It's eerie.

  3. Very interesting post, Alana. But don't let AI take over your blog!

  4. While I don't intend to write with AI, I do want to learn more about it because it directly impacts my industry.

  5. Have yet to use AI. Not sure what to think of it. Humans write with more heart, that's for sure.

  6. My computer is too old to update Windows, so can't use the new AI part of Bing. I DO use Bing though! My son says I'm one of five people that do! Ha ha. I take the quizzes daily, and use it for searching (add in Google sometimes) and I get enough points to get a nearly free Starbucks (mine is $5.75) twice a month. My son says Bing has to pay people to use it. Ha ha. I believe AI has its uses, but dislike the idea for articles, and it has ruined art. I mean, my son is an artist, and is getting negative about it since people can just use AI and why bother paying someone to do it? I say there will always be those who want the "real" thing.

  7. I have the Ask AI app on my phone, and it seems to do a great job of parroting information from Wikipedia.

  8. Today is middle nephew's birthday, so forever he's linked to Star Wars in my head. I wonder if he'll appreciate this or not. (He's 13 today.)

    AI makes me think of this short story: "Rounding Corrections"

  9. I have messed with some AI apps for art (Midjourney). It's fun for a minute. But spooky.

  10. The post is not bad really, and that is scary!!!


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