Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Free to Blog About Spring #WordlessWednesday

A blogging challenge that took up almost my entire April is over, and I'm excited to show you some of the spring beauty of my area in the Southern Tier of New York. Yes, I'm free to blog about spring!  (And, I am going to try to make this somewhat wordless.  I'm tired!)

Unless otherwise stated, photos are from my flower garden.

From a tiny sapling obtained from the Arbor Day Foundation, what I believe is a wild cherry.  It blooms at about the same time as our neighborhood crabapples, but the fruit is not crabapply.  The birds avoid it until (I'm guessing) they are running out of other food in late winter/early spring.  This was taken May 1.

From April 30, late daffodils that have several flowers on each plant and a sweet-ish scent. 

My red tulips, May 1.  They are starting to fade away with all the rain we've had recently.

I don't know the official varietal name of these small, thin tulips but they always delight me. 

A pansy.  Yes, that face is looking at you!

I thought these late daffodils had died out.  I still have one on the side of my house.  But now, one has opened in the front. 

Last, but not least: This is a mystery tulip (either that, or my memory is fading).  I have red tulips and a handful of bright yellow tulips with fringes on top.  This year, after both had been up for a week or so, this showed up in between them.  Did the red and yellow tulips have a baby?  I wonder.


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...this is a special time of year.

  2. Wow, your photography jumps off the page. So beautiful. Spring is my favorite of all the seasons and this post is part of why.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. The last one is created, I think! Even I love tulips, this one is my favorite. You have an amazing garden! I love the first photo, with the cherry tree! Enjoy your beauties!
    Happy WW and a fine week!😘❤️

  4. Lovely photos reflecting spring!

  5. What lovely photos so Springy and colourful too :-)

    Have a springtastic week 👍

  6. I love the southern tier of NY - especially the Fingerlakes. Beautiful photos!!!

  7. Gorgeous floral shots ~ certainly looks like Spring ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Ooh, lots of blooms. Very pretty.

  9. Hi Alana, thanks for your visit. Some lovely photos this morning. New blooms always perk me up.

  10. Those jonquil and tazetta type daffodils do have the sweetest scents! Narcissus 'Geranium' is blooming for me now, and it is just a delight to my nose! And the faces on the pansies are just such fun, aren't they?


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