Sunday, August 13, 2023

Blueberry Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

 Saying goodbye to the blueberry season here in the Southern Tier of New York.

Late blueberries cast shadows August 6.
Shadows on blueberry leaves.

Sadly, it wasn't the best year for the U Pick operation we go to.  They lost their entire early crop.  Because of a lot of hazy days (thanks in part to smoke in the air) later blueberries were delayed in ripening.

The late berries run tart (and are great for baking) but these were really tart.

But I am grateful, nevertheless, for what my spouse and I were able to pick.

Joining Magical Mystery Teacher's #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...farming isn't for sissies!

  2. They look yummy, even if they’re tart. A little extra sugar in the baking?

  3. This year's crop of Michigan blueberries have been sweet and juicy. Been having them everyday in my yogurt. But I did hear that the tart cherry crop was not good.

  4. A lot is going on with climate change, too. I love blueberries! Sorry it wasn't a good crop . . . and my 3 Doors Down songs wouldn't play for you. That makes no sense. 🤷‍♀️

  5. The blueberry looks very big and juicy

  6. Goodbye, blueberries. I have some frozen, but I bought them. Last summer's smoky heat killed my bushes. Nothing I grew was a good crop this year.

  7. Sigh. Maybe you can lean into the tartness and find some way to make that an advantage this year? Hopefully next year won't be so weird.

  8. Ah, blueberries! They are yummy. We grew highbush blueberries for several years here, but an unusually cold winter finally did them in.

  9. Berries such as bluberries as treats from God I think. We don't have blueberries down here but we do have blackberries which are almost as good!

  10. I totally love blueberries! My blueberry bushes were divided between us and them this year. Three produced heavily. The rest? Not so much. Sigh.


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