Thursday, August 31, 2023

Fall Transitions

You may not know it from the calendar, but, according to the farm stands, fall has arrived.  Our local markets still have summer fruits and veggies for sale, but yesterday I saw some big displays of winter squash.  Also, colored dried corn has joined the fresh butter and sugar sweet corn.

Let's spend the last day of August preparing for the fall transition.

Next week, the temperatures will be close to 90F (32.2C) but fall is on its way.

Pumpkins and gourds to get us in the fall mood. 

Warts on pumpkins are desirable.

More warts.

One more before we move onto something else.

A blend of fall (the flint corn on the top row) and summer sweet corn.  Butter and sugar (white and yellow kernels) is the favorite corn in this area.

I'm always dragged kicking and screaming into fall, as much as I enjoy it once the reality sinks in.  

But tomorrow is September, and I have to face the fact that fall is almost here.

What is your favorite season?


  1.'s chilly this morning.

  2. Fall is definitely here today, but it is supposed to be in the 90's on Sunday and Monday. BTW, I just discovered cousins in Binghamton. The Rubitski family.

  3. Astronomically fall begins with the autumnal equinox September 23. Meteorological autumn begins September 1. Labor Day is the last weekend of the summer season, and around here the new school year starts right after labor Day. But September weather is usually warm and pleasant. So I consider September a transitional month.

  4. I run to meet fall! Fall is my favorite season, which ushers in my least favorite. Or, winter used to be my least favorite. Summer seems to be now. Too hot. Too often smoky. My hot weather is supposed to be over, and I have even pulled up a blanket the past two nights. What beautiful pumpkins.

  5. I always say that Labor Day is the last day of summer, even if technically it isn't...

  6. It's too warm to think about fall in the sense that I like to think of it but the change is moving upon us, mostly on the retail level. Of course, we'll begin to get some autumn teasing the closer we are to the actual first day of fall. I for one am looking forward to the crisp cool mornings, just as long as it isn't freezing then I'll be happy. Hey, I have to complain about something and I will when winter's chill hits. lol I know, I'm such a whiner! :D Beautiful harvest!

  7. These pumpkins are the views I do not get to see often!

  8. It's weird for me now that school starts near the start of August. My year is kind of thrown. I like the fall when things cool off. Hopefully sooner rather than later this year.

  9. Spring is my favorite season. I too get dragged kicking and screaming into fall, which is my least favorite season. I hate to see fall things showing up in the markets when it is still August. I did buy a couple of potted mums on September 1. I am hoping that the hot weather forecast for this week will help ripen my very slow tomatoes!


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