Friday, September 1, 2023

Downsville Covered Bridge #SkywatchFriday

Let's take a road trip today to a historic covered bridge in Delaware County, New York.  New York doesn't have too many covered bridges but this county has six of them.  Not all of them are on public property but this one is.

The Catskill Mountains near Margaretville, New York (also in Delaware County), earlier in the trip.

It's beautiful country.  My photos don't do it complete justice.

This must be the place!

Historic marker.  Built in 1854, this bridge was restored in 1998.  We weren't able to drive across it because only passenger cars are allowed.  I could have walked across it but I chose not to.

Beautiful reflection.

Another view of the bridge.

I can't resist one more.  There was a small park next to the bridge, and this picture shows part of it.

We were in this area only because of our library system's Four County Library Roadtrip, which ends tomorrow.  It was so much fun investigating many of the 43 libraries, many of which were in rural areas.  We didn't get to all 43 but who's counting?

Joining Yogi and other sky watching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Very nice. A small piece of history, well, preserved

  2. I love how the bridge looks so different in each shot, in one it looks like it's about to fall over.


  3. So pretty. I think of them mostly in the midwest.

  4. Wow! Awesome photo of the sky and covered bridge and traveling ~ thanks ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. ...that is a nice one, I came through Delaware County today coming home from Norwich.

  6. I love covered bridges! That one has an interesting shape.

  7. One thing I want to do is visit the covered bridges in the East Coast.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  8. Great looking bridge! And a library tour sounds neat.

  9. How fun. We don't have covered bridges here, so I get to live vicariously through you.

  10. we used to visit a covered bridge in #ast Tennessee. that one was much older. enjoy.

  11. I would love to see that kind of bridge one day.

  12. Beautiful bridge. We don't have things like that here in Oklahoma.


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