Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Bathroom Mural For the Birds #WordlessWednesday #4CLSRoadtrip

Yesterday, we visited the Andes Public Library in Andes, New York as part of the Four County Library System road trip.  I mentioned a bathroom mural and today I want to show it to you.

This is a brand new mural, created by artist Diane Lockspeiser of Long Island.  She worked on the mural in May and early June of this year.

Here is their mural in its entirety.  This picture doesn't do it justice so here are some closeups of all the detail.

A barred rock rooster and a mourning dove look at a peaceful (or is it?) cattle scene from the Anti-Rent War (I'm guessing) of 1839-1845 which I discussed briefly yesterday.

Various wildlife, including many birds, adorn this mural.

Don't disturb the snoozing raccoon.

More birds.

The - upright deer blowing a horn? - is a mystery to me. It must refer to a local legend (my guess).
One more to go.

Finally, lazy Rip Van Winkle waking up from his 20 year sleep.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday


  1. So beautiful. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. Beautiful mural. I’m intrigued about the deer.

  3. There are very beautiful mural images!
    Vivid colors and fine images!
    Thank you for sharing them!
    Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

  4. That is so cute! They must have a lot of people, especially those with children, spending a lot of time in the bathroom!

  5. What a nice post made me smile too :-)

    Have a happytastic week 👍

  6. Beautiful murals ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. That's an interesting and intriguing mural!

  8. Wonderful mural. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. The murals are outstanding! All the details of the creatures with different expressions

  10. Does it make the go more enjoyable?


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