Monday, January 15, 2024

Hopes and Visions for the Future #MusicMovesMe #GardenBloggersBloomDay

This Monday, once again, it's time for the Music Moves Me bloggers to assemble. It's also Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  My flower pictures will be at the end of this post because I didn't want to write two separate posts this morning.  I hope you stick around for both topics.

Let's introduce the Music Moves me bloggers:  We blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be removed, or may  be labeled "No Music".  Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, ME.

Today, our theme is "build song picks around visions, dreams, and hopes for a better tomorrow.". It's an appropriate theme for today, when we honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

 Here's U2 and "Pride (In the Name of Love)", from 1984.  This song, I think, is timeless.

We can all hope for a better future.  Here's Journey and their 1981 hit "Don't Stop Believing".

Paul McCartney and "Hope for the Future", from 2014.

Bon Jovi and "Next 100 Years".

1999's "Next Year" from the Foo Fighters.

Sometimes, though, the future may be something different.  Here's Styx's "Mr. Roboto" from 1983.

Let's end with a more optimistic song,  1973's "Dream On" from Aerosmith.

And now, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, brought to us each 15th of the month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

In the heart of January, my zone 6a (yes, we've been promoted to zone 6a) garden in the Southern Tier of New York is resting for the winter, with one exception.

Our early blooming white Lenten Rose has several buds struggling to open.

Maybe they are hoping for a better future, too, but we are starting the coldest weather of the season so we'll have to see.

And that's a flowery wrap!

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me, and join me again February 15 for whatever is blooming for me.


  1.'s hard to beat Journey. We are now 6b and our helleborus are still asleep.

  2. Thankful for plants that bloom in cold weather!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. Hello from cold and snowy east Tennessee, Alana! I appreciated seeing the flower blooming. Even if it's two months away, it gives me hope of spring's arrival. I'm sure ready for it to get here!

    Your music direction is great! My favorites is Journey, Styx, and Aerosmith. I wonder what things will be like in 100 years. No one will know my name or anything about me but I hope our grandchildren's grandkids are blessed with a remarkable tomorrow.

    Stay warm and be safe if you're outdoors. It's so cold. Have a boogietastic week, my dear! xo

  4. Your music links all bring back so many memories.

  5. Thank goodness for this post. I need a little positivity today!

  6. Don't Stop Believing...I promise, I won't. Happy New Year

  7. A flowery wrap! Makes me want a burrito, lol

  8. Struggling flowers are better than no flowers at all. I don't know if I believe that! Sometimes I "feel sorry" for the strugglers and cut them off.

  9. Very nice. We both went with U2. Great minds think alike.

  10. Good set today! And, don't worry, Lent doesn't start until February 14 this year, so your Lenten rose has time...

  11. Hey, that's great for January. One bloom is better than none.

  12. Poor's been too warm and now we have January weather. I hope they will ve ok in the spring.
    The music was really good..Live U2 and live tgat McCartney tune.

  13. HOLY COW GIRL!!! YOU HAVE TOTALLY ROCKED THE HOUSE! Tunes beyond tunes! Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, Kevin Costner is really catching on.. I like his tunes they're all good... but girl you REALLY woke everybody up I'm sure! You always have great taste in music! Luv ya honey! Have a great day! HUGS

  14. That white Lenten is one hardy plant! Nature is so incredible the way it adapts to even some of the harshest weather.


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