Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunshine in January Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Friday, the sun came out for several hours and we, believe it or not, had blue skies.  This isn't common in January (unless it is bitterly cold, which it wasn't).

I took this opportunity to get a couple of shadow pictures in our local park.  Here's a shadow cast by a tree.  If you are seeing mud on the walking path, that is leftover river mud from a recent flood (not too bad).

Shadow cast by a utility tower.

Now we are back in the grip of winter.

Joining with Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.  If you have a shadow (or two) to share, we welcome you - just use the linky on Lisa's site.


  1. ...we have a hint of sun today!

  2. A couple of classic shadows. I love the playpark in the background and am glad you got a day or two of sun.

  3. Oh, those are nice! Sun! I had to drag out an old shadow shot!

  4. It's nice to see some bright skies. Stay warm.

  5. That’s an interesting shadow from the utility tower. I like that there is another tower in the background.


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