Thursday, May 23, 2024

Four Trees A'Blooming #ThursdayTreeLove

"Let's take our hearts for a walk in the woods and listen to the magic whispers of old trees." -Unknown

These aren't all natives or even in woods, but they are all beautiful.

 Four trees that bloomed in the past couple of weeks in my part of the Northeast United States.

1.  A young red horse chestnut tree.  Learn more about the horse chestnuts here.  The red horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea) is a hybrid coming from a cross between a horse chestnut and a buckeye, and may have originally come from Germany. It's increasing in popularity where I live.

2.  White dogwood (Cornus florida) in a wooded area off a popular rail trail.  Dogwoods are native to where I live and is a small understory tree when in the wild.  They are also popular in landscaping.  Their bloom for 2024 is over now - this was taken about a week ago.

3.  Pink dogwood, planted along the same trail as a tribute to a young woman who died from cancer. Pink dogwoods are native also but aren't common in the wild, as the pink flowers arise from a recessive gene.

4. It's hard to see this but I think this is a wild rhododendron.  I've never seen it locally (although they o grow in this area) and this came as a surprise.  I wish I could have gotten closer to it. 

Joining Parul at Happiness and Food for her twice a month #ThursdayTreeLove.


  1. I love trees. We have so many around us - a little worrying sometimes when gales blow!

  2. ...sadly, these are all past bloom here.

  3. 'Listen to the whispers of old trees' . Yes, the trees get old and stay. We are but visitors, have a look at them, and go away , sometimes never to return.

  4. Dogwood is certainly a beautiful tree when it's in bloom. They finished here a while back. I like the pink best. There's one down the street, but I feel funny about pulling over and taking it's picture!

  5. Blooms on trees can be pretty, but they can be messy, too.

  6. They sure add beautiful splashes of color!


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