Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day-May 15

I wasn't going to post again today.  I was wrong.

My garden made me do it.

Thanks to the Blogathon, I read a post from a blog called Gardening-4-Life which told me about another blog, May Dream Gardens.  May Dream Gardens is inviting everyone, through a"Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day", to post pictures of their yard taken on May 15.

Of course, by the time I read this, it was a bit late in the day.  And, it had been raining part of the day. So my photos were going to be of somewhat wet plants.

But then the sun came out....sort of.  So, herewith, from the Binghamton, NY area yard of AM (zone 5b) is a rather tired blogger who wonders just what the Blogathon has again sucked her into.

This is a small portion of a huge lilac that was already planted when we moved in some 24 years ago.  So we don't know what the variety is.  All I can tell you is, it blooms year after year.  It is on one of our property borders.

This white lilac is on our other border.  Again, we don't know the variety.

This primrose originally came from my mother in law's yard downstate.  We rescued it, as I blogged about earlier in May.  It's past peak now, but is still blooming.

Turning to our front yard, is our earliest bearded iris.  We lost the name of it.  We have a good number of bearded irises in our small yard.  Many have buds, but won't be blooming until later in the month.

And then, my camera batteries died.

But undaunted, I remembered I had one last photo.  Technically this was taken yesterday.  But it really looks much the same.  These are tulips: Rembrandts, and an almost white variety with tracings of pink.

My brunneria (that I posted earlier this month) is in very nice bloom now, but you will have to use your imagination.

Our columbine plant looks just about ready to open.

Our neighbor's flowering quince shrub is still blooming, but I guess that doesn't count.

So, thank you, I guess, Gardening-4-Life.  I am going to go to May Dreams Gardens and post this.  Maybe tomorrow I'll see who else linked to that site.  It should be fun!

So, What's Blooming in your Walle....I mean, Yard?


  1. I'm glad you found GBBD. Fun, isn't it? Hope you join again next month.

  2. Beautiful blooms! I am so happy you decided to post them. Everything looks really nice in spite of all of your troubles and I would LOVE to have such beautiful lilac as you. Happy Bloggers' Bloom Day!


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