Please, by all means, go to the website. Click on some of the links at the bottom of the GBBD post. A world of beauty awaits you. Bloggers in the Author Blog Challenge I am in this month, it is time to stop and smell the roses. We have a lot of fragrant roses in bloom right now in the Binghamton, NY area. Just not in my garden. I wish I had smell-o-blog to transmit the scent to you.
The weather the last couple of days here in New York has been spectacular. Crisp, low humidity makes colors pop out.
For some reason, my perennial flowers have decided not to show their blooms for the 15th. Several have buds: daylillies, a clerance peace lily we planted last year, several astilbes. Others have already come and gone since the last GBBD: my irises (which, for some reason, barely bloomed this year), my wild honeysuckle (no, I didn't plant it) and a wild rose that decided to take up residence on the edge of my property.
So what do I have to show off this month in my zone 5 garden?
The last of my columbine. Columbines did very well this year here in upstate New York. I only have one plants, and I'm on the lookout for another.
Next, a couple of new plants:
Heuchera "Georgia Peach". (yes, it has a tiny flower stalk, not really visible, but it is blooming.) I've not had the best luck with heuchera. I got this at a local farmers market last Saturday.
Lilium Asiatic "Tiny Sensation" (for scale, next to a 12 inch pot containing cucumber plants)
One of my few established perennials, a yellow bleeding heart.
On the annual side, I wanted to show off a couple of unusual ones. First, an impatien. This impatien, I believe, was one I ordered from Burpees as plants last year. The plants came (unusual for Burpees) sopping wet and I lost 10 out of the 12. I ended up taking a cutting from what survived as fall neared, kept it growing and planted it out. It is rewarding me with a beautiful bloom. I don't think this is the same color pattern as last year, but I am not questioning it.
Speaking of unusual impatiens, African impatiens have always done well for me but for some reason I haven't grown any in a couple of years. This year I bought this peach colored one, and it is thriving in a pot near my front entrance.
Happy GBBD to my fellow bloggers around the world. What is blooming in your garden today?
Beautiful blooms!
ReplyDeleteHappy Garden bloggers' Bloom Day!
Lea's Menagerie
I am one of the authors in the author blogger challenge and I think your garden sounds delightful. What a lovely way of using the internet - I have not come across it before. I am blind and cannot see or name a variety of flowers, but your post has inspired me to go out and appreciate their fragrance and texture, and perhaps even to pot some impatiens near my front door!
ReplyDeleteSmell o blog!! Lol!! That made me chuckle :) Wonderful flower photographs today. I am going to check out that link now. WRITE ON!
ReplyDeleteNot today, but I've been sharing garden photos from Alaska (zone 1) on meteorological Mondays. Currently wild roses, dwarf columbine and a white sport of the local wild iris dominate, and day lilies are budded. And I did non-stop begonias a week ago yesterday.
ReplyDeleteVery pretty columbine! Columbines are big favorites of mine.
ReplyDeleteLove the color of your heuchera, and while the foliage is my favorite aspect of them, the delicate and lovely bloom spikes are always welcome too. Happy Bloom Day!
I like the yellow bleeding heart. There is a small copse of trees halfway up our back lawn, and I'm slowly trying to put some blooming plants up there where I'll be able to see them from my kitchen window. The key is, it can't be anything deer or woodchucks are likely to eat! (Which neatly eliminates almost everything, I know!) Hostas would be great up there, but they get eaten. I was very happy with daffodils up there this spring--their bright yellow made them easy to see from down the hill. There are some foxglove, but they're on the wrong side of the trees to be viewed from the house--I keep meaning to move some. . . But, the long and short of it is, I think that yellow bleeding heart might be a good selection for up there!