Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring Things - Nature Paints

The up and down see-saw of spring in upstate New York continues.

Right now, it is 60 degrees. (15.5 Celsius) with a beautiful blue sky and a light breeze!  Perfect sighing weather.  By the weekend that will be a memory.

But at least we aren't in Colorado with more threats of snow.

Our white is coming from flowers - for example, violets.
Andromeda, or lily-of-the-valley bush.
For purple, hyacinth.
For yellow, forsythia.
Here's a closeup of the first forsythia flowers.

And back to white, bloodroot.

Spring at last!

Until this weekend, anyway.


  1. A lovely reminder of Spring. Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Wow! Look at those beautiful colors!! I love to go outside and see all the spring blossoming around me.

  3. Weather in Chicago is just as strage. Today its like going to a wet water park out there with the torrential down pours right as school let out. I love your flowers ;)

  4. The purple hyacinth looks gorgeous! It was 91 here today with a gorgeous breeze.

  5. I'm jealous! I love violets, but ours haven't popped out yet, even with yesterday's warmth. My forsythia is still waiting too, but my hyacinths have bloomed!


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